Stop Consuming and start Producing

Stop Consuming and start Producing

What is a Consumer? "One who squanders or wastes," derived from consume. In economic sense, "one who uses up goods or articles" (opposite of producer).

In today’s times people have become watchers (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Self-help blogs etc.). We have become consumers of everyone else’s success. We read and read, yet never apply the information we’ve consumed. It’s as if we get a thrill out of consuming new knowledge, as if to say “look at what I know!” 

We start out with a dream, but we end up try to consume our way to the top. We read and make a plan, but the get caught up in the next new big thing – never implementing the well laid out “original” plan. Very seldom do we become that all elusive doer, we just spend our time getting ready to do something unique. So we end up having all of this knowledge, but no experiences to show for it.

 So how do we explain the successful people? Well they are the people that just act upon their plan. They may not have the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience at first; but they are willing to take action. Ultimately they acquire everything they need to succeed. They become the producer of the products or information we consume, and it is at that point that they are truly successful.

 So let me ask you something???

1.    When it comes to your dreams, are you a producer or are you a consumer?

2.   Are you sitting back and watching things happen from the sideline, or are you out on the field making it happen?

The bottom line is that if you want success in your life (turn that dream into reality), then you have to make the transition from consumer to producer.

So “HOW do you do that?” you may ask…

1. Start Every Day as a Producer, Not a Consumer

When you get up, do not touch any electronic devices or read any magazines. Start-off with a good routine like showering and eating. Then begin your day with the thoughts of what you really want to accomplish, or reflect on the short and long-term goals that you are working on. If you haven’t already create the day’s to do list; trust me, the distractors will still be waiting (email, social media, news reports, text etc.), and if you are not careful you will find yourself mindlessly consuming everyone else’s issues and lose focus on what you need to accomplish. The production – not consumption – of information is what is vitally important.

Starting your day as a producer means that the information you receive is not wasted in consumption, it is has meaning. Spend your time acquiring information that is relevant to what you are producing. Becoming a producer frames the rest of your habits and keeps you from becoming a procrastinator. 

I read an article that said when you first get up, you should write at least 500 words about something. Now they said it doesn't matter what, just sit down and write. But I say write about that life changing dream you just had, or focus your goals. Oh, and it works best when you start writing when you first get out of bed, and then start the daily routine – not the other way around.

2. Act upon the information you’ve already taken in.

We consume an exorbitant amount of information. In fact we take in so much information that we suffer from information overload. So instead of waiting for that next big thing, or looking for that next get rich quick gimmick, you should: Apply the dream you already had, Continually acquire skills in the chosen field, and tailor your Timeline so that you will achieve your goal.

I think about what Glinda told Dorothy in the Wiz: “You’ve always had the power, my dear. You’ve had it all along.” When you think about it, everything you need to succeed is already within you. Get out of your comfort zone, because you’ve got what it takes to succeed – all you have to do is ACT.

3. Take the plunge.

In the words of Delmar from O Brother, Where Art Though – “C'mon in boys, the water is fine.” Don’t over think it, just jump right into the water. If you change your thoughts, you’ll change your world.

It really doesn’t matter where you begin, just that you start, so just go for it. Yes, you may fail, you may be rejected, and you may even lose your socioeconomic status. But don’t be discouraged, you will still have the experiences you’ve accumulated along the way. And believe it or not, that will make it easier to rebound and start again. Any effort is better than years and years of being a consumer.

Listen, in life we learn by doing. Have you ever heard the phrase – “if you don’t use it, you will lose it?” Well, that is a true statement. Real knowledge is obtained by applying what you’ve read. Because that’s the kind of practical knowledge that sticks with you.

Do not fall in to that false fear of failing. We all have fears, it’s how we react that will decide out fate. The reality is that failure is what builds experience. Successful people do not allow failures to keep them from producing. They face their failure (fear) head-on, and keep moving forward until they get their breakthrough – and they don’t stop there, they keep growing.

4. Produce what you want to see in the world.

It was Rodney Copperbottom that said: “See a need, Fill a need.” Okay Mr. Bigweld said it first. Discovering a problem that leads to a consumer need is a sure way to start a business or achieve success. If you have the vison, and it’s in your heart then produce it – then create the products that you’d want to buy, make the movies that you’d want to watch, sing the songs that you’d want to listen to. Stop waiting for other people to validate your existence or approve you vision.

Now don’t get me wrong, in some cases you may have to ask for help – I said help, not validation. You may even have to form some unlikely partnerships for growth and success; just remember to keep producing, and do not fall back into the role of consumer.

It has been said that it takes twenty-one days to form a habit, so let’s get started. For the next twenty-one days, stop consuming and start producing. At the end of your twenty-one days you will be surprised by how far you have come.


Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.Howard Thurman


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