Stop conforming and create your own niche
The main problem with choosing a niche as a creative is we've been brainwashed into thinking there's only one way!
"Recognised experts" promote the idea that you study a focused topic for years and maybe even do a PhD in it. This niching method is known as the subset method and used to be the only way to get known for something.?
Unfortunately, the subset method doesn't work for multi-passionate creatives like us.?
You either make the mistake of giving up your multiple passions to focus on one or worse still; you remain undecided on which one to choose and never move forward.
"No niche is too small if it's yours"—Seth Godin
For many years, I suffered from shiny object syndrome. I was forever pivoting and changing my niche as my ideas grew and evolved. Finally, I became frustrated because I was trying to focus, but I couldn't decide because I'm a multi-passionate creative.?
I fell victim to the idea that to be successful in business, you had to choose a niche and become a recognised expert. I even did a PhD in tactile typography whilst building the Typism community, hoping to give me some clarity and authority around my niche. When I combined everything that I was passionate about, I finally felt comfortable owning my unique niche instead of finding one and claiming it.?
I know it all sounds overwhelming, but don't worry; I've made it easy for you with a free downloadable worksheet.
There's nothing worse than being pressured into choosing a niche and ignoring the rest of your passions. But, no matter what you choose, you will eventually be distracted by something new and exciting.?
This pressure is why so many creative businesses stall or pivot. But, unfortunately, by choosing a single niche, you run the risk of losing your passion.
Following these simple steps will help you create your own niche
STEP ONE: List your skills
The first step, when defining your niche using the overlap method, is to list your skills.?
Your skills might form part of your special sauce, or they might be completely different, but most businesses, books, or blogs need to be built on a foundation of core skills.
STEP TWO: List your experiences
The second step, when defining your niche using, is to list your experiences.?
Your life experiences also form part of your niche but can also give a clue as to what your special sauce might be.
STEP THREE: List your interests
This is where the magic happens.?
Your quirks and habits, and weird passions can hold the key to your special sauce. It might be something you're obsessed with or just something you do without thinking. It might be a colour or animal you're obsessed with, a hobby, a pet, hair colour or a weird saying.?
The best quirks are when they're unrelated to your niche but make for an unusual recipe when added into the mix.
STEP FOUR: Create multiple overlap diagrams
If you download the free worksheet, you will see places to try multiple overlap diagrams and see the outcomes.?
Don't stress if you can't define your niche immediately. It can be like a new outfit that takes a while to feel comfortable wearing.?
Add your skills, experiences, and interests, and see what combinations you can come up with.
STEP FIVE: Choose one and create a niche statement
Pick one of your diagrams and use the template in the worksheet to create your niche statement.?
Does it interest you??
Does it sound cool and exciting??
A good niche statement should scare you a little—like you're going to have to step up to become the person who fits the message.
STEP SIX: Try out your niche for a week
Once you've chosen a niche and written your statement, try it on for a while and see if it fits. Start talking to your friends and family about it. See if they agree that your special sauce is really you. It doesn't need to be dramatic or spectacular, sometimes the most mundane of habits and quirks can be the thing that sets you apart.
STEP SEVEN: Start sprinkling your special sauce everywhere
Once you've chosen a niche and written your statement, try it on for a while and see if it fits.?
Start talking to your friends about it. See if they agree that your special sauce is really you.?
It doesn't need to be dramatic or spectacular; sometimes, the most mundane of habits and quirks can be the thing that sets you apart.
STEP EIGHT: Add your special sauce to your social bios
Once you've spent some time with it and you're comfortable that you've found your special sauce, start sprinkling it around.
Add it to your social media posts. Create content with your special sauce in mind. Please don't overdo it, but think of it as seasoning. Sprinkle a little on each piece of content for some additional flavour.
Once you're truly comfortable with your special sauce, start letting people know.
Rewrite your social media bios so that you tell people this is your quirk or speciality. Then, add it to your about me page on your website.
STEP NINE: Refine it with feedback
Your tastes and flavours will evolve, so you can refine your niche accordingly after identifying what makes you unique or different.?
You might see what works for your audience and what doesn't and also what makes you comfortable and what feels forced or contrived. Don't be afraid to pivot and evolve your brand and your content marketing mix. It's an ongoing process.
So that's it for the steps. Imagine how it would feel to create your own niche and not compete with anyone but yourself?
Using the overlap method, you can combine all of your skills, experiences, and quirks into one unique niche and create a market of one.
When will you create your own niche?