Stop These Confidence Mistakes and Get Yourself Ahead!
Dominic Decker
UK-Registered Psychotherapist: Blending Therapy for Insight with Coaching for Progress. Manage Yourself & Others for Success.
Hi, welcome back to the Widget. The Confidence Edition. Thanks for being here.?
Developing Confidence (for Stressful Events)
Critical errors that destroy confidence
Remedies and antidotes to put things rights
Sometimes we're pushed out into the world, lugging a sack of traits we weren't taught to unpack.
A frequent outcome is living below our potential as we settle for less than we desire.
Fortunately, you can always choose a different path if you stay open-minded and receptive to progress.
For a long time, I thought confidence was an attribute some people had and others didn't. However, as a therapist and coach, I know this isn't the case.
A confident attitude and demeanour are not some part of life's mystical pot-luck.
While some people are naturally more confident due to their ability to tolerate uncertainty and regulate emotions, confidence is a set of skills anyone can develop.
I've extensively experienced the errors and tested antidotes in this article — on myself and with my clients. While none of us has become overnight performers, progress is steady and observable.?
I hope these pointers will help you too. Let's dig in.
So, how would you assess your current confidence levels??
Here's a quick, non-scientific assessment. Imagine the following scenarios and focus on your gut response – the sensations that arise:
Typical reactions will land somewhere between utter dread and excitement for most of us. That's not surprising. And while the sensations we associate with fear and exhilaration are similar, how we interpret them makes a difference.
Excellent if your response to the events mentioned is a peek of curiosity and excitement. Because many of us - as much as we'd like to welcome such opportunities - will confront a sense of threat. And, over time, the impact of reduced chances and missed opportunities is dramatic.
Confidence, or the belief that you can rely on yourself, plays a significant role in shaping our lives.
It affects how much we're prepared to take calculated risks, set ambitious goals and act on them.
People with low self-confidence may subconsciously undermine their success at work. This makes them less likely to ask for or get promotions, raises and even jobs.
(If you prefer an entertaining version of this newsletter, I've made this?:
A person with low self-confidence often struggles with low self-esteem, which refers to how much you value and appreciate yourself.
Low self-esteem often abandons us when we need it most and, when combined with low confidence, can result in limited opportunities, lower earnings, and reduced creativity or entrepreneurial spirit. It's disheartening.
There's a belief that low self-esteem goes hand in hand with incompetence and apathy. Worse, people tend to smell the unhealth of low self-esteem almost instantly. It's conspicuous. Regrettably, coworkers, bosses, customers and clients make negative assumptions about people who exhibit behaviours of low self-esteem.
So, a pretty rubbish combination for those concerned, then. Plus an unnecessary one. Because each of us can take practical steps towards a more reassuring and confident position for ourselves.
So let's begin putting things right — especially for your confidence before stressful events. And if you're a confident person, stay with me — you'll be interested to define what you're likely already doing to ensure you do more of it.
We'll highlight the typical confidence errors and then identify the antidotes.
Error 1 — Forgetting that confidence is situational
People with low confidence tend to think in sweeping and generalising terms about their abilities. In other words, you might forget that your?confidence is situational.
You'll have situations in life in which you?were?and?are?successful. You give yourself time to prepare and, as a result, receive favourable outcomes. Perhaps even better than expected.
When this happens, you likely have a subtle sense of pride because you prove capable of assuring results. What's more, successes you minimise or take for granted — like attending a job interview or making a tricky phone call — say much about who you are and what you can do.
But when anxious, you forget or tend to downplay your previous successes. Instead, you likely think things like, 'I'm?just not a capable person,'?or, 'I'll?never be able to deal with this situation.'
In other words, you identify as inadequate or defective despite your wins. And as you absorb this message, these inaccurate statements begin to feel real — even though they aren't true.
Remedy 1 — Be specific about the context of feeling under-confident
If you are nervous before an event, you want to be as clear and straightforward as possible about your feelings. In other words, you want to isolate and compartmentalise the experience into its appropriate box.
You might begin with something like, 'It's true that in this situation, I feel less confident than I would like to, yet there are other situations in which I am confident.'
Maintaining this bigger picture is essential because there's always a broader, more accurate context than the emotion-driven story your lower-confidence self is likely buying into.?
In other words, there are many situations in which you are confident and competent, so — as easy as it is to forget in the moment — you mustn't disregard this vital dimension of who you are.
Ultimately, the stories you tell yourself matter. So the tale best be kind and truthful, offering you the power to act.
Once you've injected some balance,?i.e.?reminded yourself that confidence is situational and narrowed down your feelings to the event at hand, it's time to identify what needs to happen for the event to go well.
Error 2: Misplaced focus of attention
The second confidence mistake concerns a misdirected focus. You likely emphasise what you?don't?want to be like in an upcoming situation rather than what you?do?want. First, you may think,?'I don't want to look like a fool.'?Then you may tumble towards 'Why do I never feel good about myself?'?or 'Why do I always land in these difficult situations?'
In other words, focusing on what you don't want or are afraid of will lead you on a hunt for 'why?'
Asking?why??isn't inherently wrong. But self-reflective questions are usually better suited to practical problems in which you want to correct specific issues. They are often less helpful for emotional problems because they lead you down distracting rabbit holes.
You end up jack-knifed on memory lane, bumping into negative (and often unreliable) recollections and scrutinising past failures in the rearview mirror. This amplifies a helpless impression of yourself — the last thing you need when you want to increase your sense of ability.
Remedy: Focus on precisely what you DO want to be like in the situation.
Rather than concentrating on what you?don't?want, emotional goals are better supported by focusing on what you?do?want.
Imagine trailing in a sports match. It's halftime, and your team are getting thrashed.
Heads lowered and huddled together, you try to lift your spirits for the next phase of the game. But your coach only criticises your mistakes and underperformance. Fireballs of blame and admonishment.
In the circumstances, would it help to be belittled — just when you need to gather your focus to improve? Attacks on your shortcomings will be disheartening and destroy your motivation to recover.
Instead, you need to give the back part of your mind — the unconscious part — a strong and positive message about what responses you DO need from it.
This is because you want to create a clear and detailed picture of your success in the situation. For this reason, it's vital to focus your attention correctly. You can start your preparation with crucial questions:
Gaining this clarity will inform a detailed mental scenario for your success. Plus, it's a much more compelling prospect for your brain to consider.
Now that you've isolated the setting for under-confidence and focused on creating a compelling mental image for what you want, it's time to externalise your attention.
Error 3: Excessive introspection
Similar to the second mistake, the third error is focusing excessively on yourself to find a solution.?We tend to assume that self-scrutiny equals better people. But over-analysis will grind you into a catch twenty-two. And there's nothing good about that.
The more under-confident you feel, the more you zero in on yourself to determine what's wrong. So now you feel even less confident — with the focus on your perceived weakness or inadequacy dialled up. It's a devil's circle and fails to assist the improvements you want. Excess introspection usually leads to a misuse of your imagination. The?what ifs? —?and these are rarely constructive.
Remedy — Focus on the external situation
A big part of feeling confident in any performance situation is to forget about yourself — at least a little bit.
Naturally, comfortable people focus less on themselves (being the experience) and more on being?part of?the experience. They effectively focus on the external situation and the world around them.
But you might do the opposite. And if you focus too much on yourself to figure out what you should do better, you'll stifle your natural potential. Because placing yourself under a severe microscope makes anything you do seem awkward or uncomfortable. Even the way you clear your throat seems icky and wrong.?
So you want to direct your attention to the world 'out there' rather than the one 'in here'.
Happy and confident people handle events gracefully because they take themselves lightly. They make for easy and assured company because they aren't overly precious about themselves. This attitude allows them to flow and adapt to situations, to be in the moment with grace and light.
So avoid jumping under a self-imposed spotlight and placing all the make-or-break attention on your performance. It's less about you than you think — and that's good!
That may be a lot to remember. Here's a roundup:
2.?Focus on what you?do?want instead of what you don't want.?Build a clear, detailed and compelling mental image of what success will look and feel like. Your brain will thank you for it.
3.?Avoid excess introspection.?Snap out from the internal experience and return your attention to the external situation. Focus on the occasion of others and make service to others your goal. This shift in intention can be profound for your energy flow and how you feel.
Hi, I'm Dominic Decker - a coach and UK-registered therapist. I specialise in helping professionals build strong and confident lives.
Whether you’re seeking to improve your professional performance?or there are personal events you’d like help to confront, I may be able to help. Send me a pm or email and we'll find a time to talk: [email protected]