Stop the Comparison Game
Galatians 6:4 encourages us to strive for personal satisfaction in doing our best work, without comparing ourselves to others.
Comparing ourselves to others only leads to envy, which is a result of either pride or feeling inferior. The Bible warns against comparing ourselves to others because it is foolish. We are each unique and incomparable, with our own talents and purposes.
When we focus on comparing ourselves to others, we lose sight of our own purpose and potential. God has given us unique gifts and talents to use for His glory, and we should strive to be the best version of ourselves.
When we reach heaven, God won't ask why we weren't like someone else, but rather why we weren't more like ourselves. Therefore, let's make the most of our own gifts and talents and stop comparing ourselves to others.
This is why P4 groups exist, to talk about what keeps each one of us from finding and fulfilling the purpose we were created to accomplish.
Don’t compare yourself to your brother, rather lift him up with encouragement and celebrate his life in Jesus.