Stop Comparing Your Life


Stop Comparing Your Life

I know, I know. This is so much easier said than done. But seriously, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Nobody has the same life as you. Nobody has the same experiences, thoughts, skill set, and goals that you do. So why would it make sense to compare what you're doing to what someone else is doing? 

We all know that comparison is a slippery slope. It can be seriously damaging to compare your experiences to other people's. You may end up feeling like a failure when you're not. When you take a step back and realize that your life is unique and your experiences are not like anyone else's, it's easier to put things into perspective.

Everything happens for a reason. This is kind of my mantra and it helps me stay focused on my own experiences instead of comparing them to everyone else's. It's especially important to keep this in mind when things don't go the way that you originally thought they would. 

Your life is yours and yours alone. 







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