Stop Chasing Success Like Its a Toddler in a Grocery Store
You know that feeling when you are frantically chasing something like your four-year-old who just grabbed a jar of pickles and is sprinting down Aisle 3?
That's how most of us approach success.
We run after it like it's always one step ahead, taunting us, making us feel weak or not quite enough yet.
What took me way too long to figure out is that the shift we need isn't a new plan or strategy. It's a shift in US.
Imagine walking into a room and knowing, and I mean really knowing, that your presence alone is powerful!
No proving, no forcing, no overexplaining. Just like a cat that decides to sit down on your laptop while you're writing a newsletter.
When you embody success rather than chase it, magic happens. You stop gripping so hard. You stop micromanaging every detail of your life and business.
And ironically, the less you try to control, the more things start flowing your way.
So today, I challenge you:
Show up like you already belong.
Let go of proving.
Decide that you are already enough and you've already won!
Because you are and you have.
The moment you stop running, success stops running away. Instead, it sits beside you, purring like a satisfied cat, next to your keyboard, where it belongs. Be powerful today. Pray for God's strength to fortify you.
No chasing required.
Instead, be a lighthouse.
Turn your light on and shine brightly!
Then, success and fulfillment will come find you.
:) Tim Tim Shurr, MA
Top Executive Hypnosis Coach