Stop chasing
First and foremost, you must stop chasing men. As women have become more independent, they have become more aggressive when it comes to dating and pursuing men. And this is fine in many cases but when dealing with certain guys, you must change your dating game..
When you chase after this specific type of guy, you’re taking away that rush that comes from engaging in a pursuit. If a man sees you as an easy conquest, he’ll have no interest.
Even though it seems silly that only the man should be the one calling and asking for dates, not chasing is one way to guarantee he will be more interested in chasing after you.
Of course you'll want to be responsive to the chase otherwise it may seem as though you're not interested, and he'll move on to someone else..
When it comes to the chase some women will make themselves completely unavailable and when the man moves on they have a hard time understanding where they went wrong.
You'll want to be unavailable but still show him you're interested which is what's going to keep this game going.
Men are hunters. You have to remember that they love to hunt, and you have to remain in that receiving position and let them come after you.
When you go after a man, it shuts him down. He’s not going to see you as a wife potential or a potential to be in a relationship. It kills the chemistry.
Men want to chase you so give them a good run for their money. Make it fun for them because they love to be pursuing you. If you make it easy for them or if you start to pursue them, they’re going to lose interest much faster. You want to let them chase you.
Stop chasing guys so that they chase you is remember ladies, you’re the prize. You are what they are after and that’s why they want to chase you. You have to sit back in that receiving mode and know your worth, know your value.
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Thank you …I’ve talked about this before in terms of your value and your worth. Your value and worth are a perception that you need to project outward. You need to create a perception that you’re a high value woman and project that out to a man.
How you do this is by not chasing a man. By leaning back and recognizing that you’re the prize.
You have what they want. You have a beautiful and warm heart. You make life colourful, beautiful, interesting and fun for them. You’re creative, funny, interesting and clever.
The way you dress, look, smell, and feel, you have all of these beautiful qualities that men find so captivating in women. Let him come to you and remember, you’re the prize.
Want to add word or two?
For all those reasons that I just shared with you, but more importantly is because you matter. You have value and you are destined for great things.
You’re destined for great, extraordinary love and it’s your birth right. You’re entitled to it. Don’t forget that. Men love to have a woman that knows her worth. That’s what they’re looking for.
Your comment ….?
Make sure that men chase you and you stop chasing them.
You have to give them signals. You have to be open with your body language. That means not sitting with your arms crossed and looking down at your phone.
Your arms are open in receiving mode. Hold your head up high. You’re smiling and you’re giving them that five-second smile and maybe you’re doing the little eye movements and winking or whatever.
If you have the confidence to do that, I recommend it. You are sending a man a signal through your body language that you’re open and receptive for him to pursue you, not the other way around.
You can give him a look and give him a smile and then you can hold that smile and see if he’s going to be interested in pursuing you. That’s a signal. Use it and practice it wherever you go because it works.
Men respond well to direct eye contact and a nice big smile.
That lets them know through your body language. All you have to do is smile at a man and he will take it from there. If he’s interested in you and he’s available, he knows what to do.
As soon as you meet a man you like and he’s chasing you, the first thing you want to do is attach emotionally. You start to become overly invested in the relationship.
As soon as you do that, then he loses interest in you because you played your hand. You’re not holding any of the cards back. He already knows you’re into him and you like him. That’s a little bit of a turnoff.
Where did the chase go?
He’s hunting you and you’ve just taken away the fun in it for him, the mystery is gone too soon.
That initial stage is fun.
Make sure you stay in your position of receiving and stay detached so if it doesn’t work out, you can move on very quickly.
How do you stay detached?
By recognizing that you need to be the one that’s being pursued, for one.
You need to continue to let him pursue you because you don’t want to be the one doing that. It’ll turn them off.
Don’t make assumptions because you don’t know enough about him to attach to him until he’s given you the signs.
Get them to chase you is don’t be so available.
Don’t drop everything for him as soon as he calls.
What this does is it shows him that you don’t have a life and he’ll lose interest.
It’s not a game. I want to pre-qualify what I’m going to say with that.
What it is, it is a bit of remaining a little mysterious so he has to wonder about you.
He has to wonder what you’re doing, where you are, or who you’re with.
You want him to be thinking of you.
If you’re so available, you don’t give him any time to be thinking of you.
That means that you don’t have to respond to his texts the minute he sends you one.
Don’t sit there holding your phone, waiting for the texts to come in and respond instantly.
Let some time go by. Allow him to think about you and wonder what you’re doing and if you’re going to get back to him, men love that.
Remember, they want to hunt so give them a good hunt. They will enjoy the fun of it all. The courtship and the dating process is fun.
Don’t be so available.
Don’t cancel your plans.
Keep your plans with your friends and keep your commitments. Go on your vacations.
Don’t contact him too much when you’re away.
Enjoy yourself.
Be where you are.
Be present to what’s showing up in your life in that moment and you will be very desirable to a man.
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5 年Great extract Dayal Ram Jee, more than impressed by reading it. Once again many thanks.