STOP Chasing Clients! Do This Instead.
??Jen DeVore Richter, M.A., CRI?
Director of Marketing for Grocapitus & Mission 10k ?? Top 10 Marketer of the Year ?? Author
“In case you had illusions to the contrary, no one is sitting around hoping and praying that he will receive your sales letter. When it arrives, it is most likely an unwelcome pest. How do you earn your welcome as a guest? By immediately saying something that is recognized by the recipient as important and valuable and beneficial.” ― Dan S. Kennedy
If you’re not attracting your ideal, perfect people it’s probably because your message is coming across as spammy emails, unwanted business cards, or intrusive advertisements. The cure for this common problem is to STOP chasing clients and START being of value.
In this video, you will learn three key marketing strategies to implement that will help you get more business without feeling sales-y.
You’ll understand:
Don’t let another day go by with broken marketing!
Click the link to watch the video and subscribe on YouTube!