Stop catching the inner victim...
STOP catching the VICTIM GAMES… does the word 'VICTIM' create an inner charge and REACTION..... ??
A collective feeding frenzy of approval junkies, social media thrives off it!
The story is keeping you stuck, and by each validating it, we are feeding it... the fuel of rightness / wrongness. The games of the 'false-self'.
To give it no attention, to starve the feeding, we diffuse it's charge. It is done. Then the inner growth can truly begin!"
I have been biting my tongue on this, finding the right words to remain in a state of love, compassion and kindness. I laugh at the fact I was even looking for the right use of words, more powerfully to ensure that the intention is coming from a space of unconditional love.
Which is not giving a fu'k of opinions, judgements or projections, and to SEE through the masks of the illusions, an unconscious collective indulgence of public masturbators, seeking false approval.
In the past, when I’ve spoken truths, learn from this soul journey of purging on my own BS, the judgments have been thrown, the barrage of entitlement of rightness, being called arrogant and full of it. You can't say that, even stating that I take full responsibility for my rape, as he was vibrating the same vibe of unworthiness, neediness, self-loathing and anger within... he was a teacher in disguise, and I AM Grateful for IT ALL. Whatever your past, it is time to put it down, i could go on, yet it would be blah-blah-blah or trauma and by embellishing it, I am feeding it. Hence, why I put it into a book. May that be enough to wake-up some unconsciousness. I have no more care for it.
I laugh at it all, and even see my teachers of wisdom, sitting around a fire as we laugh at the nonsense. The blindness I was surviving within, a long way from thriving, and the solution was waiting within. The ego will suffocate itself, rather than dropping to its knees in humility.
Over the years, bitter remarks directed at raw truths, the lashing out of the false-self, the aspect that had to defend itself. This was teaching self, to learn to receive and feel no charge or reaction within, from anything outside. To be relentless in the pursuit for the highest aspect of self, with no influence from outside opinions.
Believe me, this did not happen overnight. Or don’t believe me, I care not for your acknowledgement or approval. Inside alignment is suffice.
The wisest truth is honoured/discovered within. I will choose walking alone again and again, being wise in discerning to whom I invite in, to this sacred space. When we choose to be within that space, it is an opportunity to be seen naked and raw, to remove the masks, and be willing to play the game, of calling any hiding out. I will carry no one, I will take no prisoners and I’ll hang your victim up with love.
Those that have done the same, I honour, adore and respect, as I know and feel they too have done the inner dirty work, the stuff alone behind closed doors. The stuff that seeks no approval from others.....the souls purge and choking upon whats there to be embodied in allowing.
I SEE your human potential with unconditional love, and I will call out the BS games of manipulation, the false self of projection. I see it all, as I was the Masterful Victim of at least 6-victim masks. HAHA..... I've played it all. It is not your truth, and by buying into the words expressed, I am feeding the game of lies and deceit. The ‘self-help industry feeds off this shit. Tell me that I’m special, is another trap of the false self. I am not here to make more friends, I am content with the friends I can count on one hand. I am here to lead a way, so others begin to lead themselves. It begins with self.
A public display of fornication, a barrage of love emoji’s…. a fleeting feeling of love, the dopamine rush seeking approval. The ‘I love you’, that is coming from a place of lack. This is not love, and those that continue to feed and feeding off one another, and the collective is drowning within the false reality.
The more you play the game, the greater the false self, gets ingrained.
I choose real and raw, and choose self, over the risk of losing friends. What is the definition of a friend.
Those that feed off your BS/those that call out your BS?
I value soul truth, honour and respect above everything else. Until that is discovered within, then to show that to another will never follow through.
It is felt, whom has been willing to do the inner work, as that is where HUMILITY is birthed, and that maybe down on your knees, total surrender to a greater power, and from the ground up, the learning more about the true self.
I am interested in walking alongside those that are willing to do the inner work. I am relentless and ruthless, and that is powerful right there.
I hear this in intimate relationships ALL the time.
My partner treats me in a mean way, he is unkind, he is this and that….The complaining stream of words, a messy entanglement of the lost feeding off the lost.
Hey, you have attracted this perfect teacher, a reflection of self. The aspects you are yet to love, the areas that required radical inner attention. It’s not your fault, it’s not what you asked for consciously, yet he/she is the perfect REFLECTION of what is being projected within. This feeds for blame, your shame and your guilt.
The one whom stays in the relationship, as they avoid taking responsibility for self, he/she stays in a love-less, sexless relationship, fear rejection.. seeking outside attention from souls, a fluffing of the fake self.
Are you ready to do the inner messy work of you?
My time in aloneness is a sacred space, and will be wise in discerning whom I invite in. On the 21st October I am flinging open the doors to those that are ready to leave this ‘old stuff’ behind.
Those that are ready to iron out their BS together, not there to waste time. That are ready to peel back the layers, as the wounded cannot support the wounded, it’s a dangerous game. This is for BOTH men and women, yes, I am throwing you all in together each week we sit for Sacred healing space. A place where you truly get to remove your mask and create a new way of being. Yes, each week over 12 weeks, this is the key hub for the inner transformations.
Australia is full of those sitting on the fence giving the outside allure of the happy relationship, and behind that false self, there are feeling lonely, unloved, dishonoured and seeking outside approval. They are scared and stuck. Yet, give the impression that everything is magical. I get messages each day, please help me, save me, can you advise me. Many do not even value their on time or self, and when they are in the victim program there will be much inner work to be done, it may look ugly from the outside, and hence why there is a selection process to even be considered for joining this sacred space.
I am done with time wasters, the false self ego-feeders, that seek free advise and then do nothing to shift. The door is opened, a false commitment that when the crunch comes, they are out, not in. I love the selection process as in this its taught self, to care less, as I see their truth beneath the layers of the false.
Good luck with that! The unseen Teacher is more inner suffering. All the best, life is a wise teacher, and humans are slow learners. many thrive off pain as it feeds the 'false-self'
I am not here to save you, I will not! That is your job. I am not here to inspire you and preen or fluff you feathers. I will rough them up, cover them in dirt and then guide you how to clean them YOURSELF. To remove the sludge of self-hate, the guilt, the blame, the shame and taste some humility. I will hold you when you fall with unconditional love, bathe your wounds and offer them back to the Earth with love.
I see self within YOU.
I have been in your shoes.
I am here to stoke your internal fire and walk alongside you are the fire rages through you, purging your insides flipping a full 360. If the TRUTH was easy to digest, then the collective would be living their soul truth. The collective unconscious, and even those who talk that they are conscious, are trapped in mutual gratification of stroking one another’s false self.
I am here to invite you to wake-up from the games your false self is playing. I care not for your opinions, as your projection is your own inner reflection of the false self. You may see my confidence as arrogance, bluntness is seen as entitlement, I care not!
Yet, true arrogance is staying stuck in your life complaining about how hard your life was/is and then doing sweet f’A about it. When we judge, it is judging the unseen within.
So be it. I fully own whom I am chosing to be, and those who pander to your needs, the false smothering of love, are not your friends. There are fellow souls that are drowning one another, a slow death of your full human potential. The sludge that gets stuck to your wings…
The ones that raise the bar, call you out and catch no BS, are the truest of souls you will come across.
They value soul truth, unconditional self-love over making fake friends.
They choose raw and real, the jagged truth, as they have walked this exact path
They have witnessed the teacher laughing in their face…. As the ‘ego’ hates being laughed at. It sounds like this;
“What’s wrong? Why are you angry with me, why are you so mean to me, why are you so insensitive?”
Haha, you get it, or maybe this cuts?
Then may come a projection post the silence or non-reaction. (this is unconscious arrogance)
"I love you and I am here for you if your need support”?
WOW.....this is projection at its finest, the victim masterfully attempting to rescue, yet it is them that is drowning. Projecting the BS games of survival onto the others, seen as the perpetrator.
Beneath this false self, of the mask there is an aspect crying out to be loved, to feel needed, to feel acknowledged, to get attention, and to feel affection from being needed.
The false self, is asking, seeking to filled up. The outside approval of worthiness, and when it is not there, pushing every else away, as they fear rejection and abandonment.
The ego-False self, will do everything it can to find a way, it is relentless and hence WHY dealing with it, is never pretty. There is carnage, and there is no judgment by the one leading the way, to a path of inner freedom. I will be there to catch your fall with unconditional love.
There is no pretty path, the truth does not taste of honey, and there is a collective dumbness of the false created self. The ones that feed off one another’s inspiration, stroking one another’s feathers and rarely stepping out to follow their own truth, as they are fueled with an addiction, the daily fluffy of the non-self, the false aspect cultivated and cleverly created over time, to gain more attention, acknowledgement and affection.
FB is a feeding frenzy for it. Linkedin is also warming up with the fluffy ‘self-help’ memes, inspiring wisdom once read from a book, and not yet integrated in silence, living and being. To suddenly become the wise teacher. There is a journey to be walked, there is no fast, easy way, only a way, to let go of the false-self.
To let go of the labels, the masks,
The "whom you think you are"
Get naked and raw,
Offer the wounds back to the earth
Be done with them, they are not who you are
To keep diving into, who am I.
All I know is thIS
I am that I am,
I know that I exist.
To keep feeling into real
Allow the raw to penetrate your soul
To chose real connections of worthiness
To know I value self, more than outside opinions.
Humanity cannot fully experience or conceptualize the concept and overflowing experience of unconditional love, until the lower base stuff is addressed, to die before you die. There is much inner work to be done. All choice, RISE or DROWN.
Those that you think are being mean by not buying into the games, truly have your back. They are not the enemy, the true enemy hides within you.
READY for change? Let’s have a conversation, and I will show you a way, so that you never need ‘self-help’ again. I care not for your story, or your victim. I live in the NOW!
I see your human potential and will walk alongside you, as you fight for your life and honour your highest truth.
Right now, I AM honouring this higher TRUTH,
Guiding others, to a new way!
Check them out and RISE... or check-out- all choice.
- For the Ladies click this link
For the Gentlemen click this link
TIME is speeding up, and for many it is BEcoming more uncomfortable....for some unbearable.... Are you ready to EVOLVE?
The time is NOW.
#Ownit #Victim #Ruthless #Transformation #Truth #Blueprint #Masculine#Feminine
Medicina Nucleare
6 年Magic Cosmic Bridge