Stop The Body Counts
Once again, I sent my “Stop the Body Counts” to as many major media as I could.
Given that this subject in once again flashing red I am hopeful that someone picked it up.
Feeling numbed by the increasing “body count” in American's War-on-Civility?
?As a US Army combat vet, I am familiar with body counts. War taught me to learn, teach and practice “less bloody ways of resolving differences." This learning curve is mission critical.
?Serving as a high school teacher I integrated these skills into my state approved curriculum. Now retired, I give this curriculum to others who share this concern. This includes Conflict Resolution Skills.
Ready to reduce the number of people choosing to use guns and other forms of abuse to ‘get their way?' How??Learn, teach and practice less hurtful behavior skills which builds bridges of understanding (not walls) between people.
?Start with the person in the mirror and extend out to your family, friends, churches, schools and workplace. Replace the excuses with action and choose to resolve differences without hurting others.?
We have so many well-meaning students, parents, teachers, and others who would love to learn less violent conflict resolution skills, I believe there is hope. In my Workplace & Restorative Skills curriculum I package these skills together under the subsets of: Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Conflict Resolution and Job Finding.
A critical part of my proposal is, identify what is working to teach critical thinking, decision making and Conflict Resolution on the different campuses. Data base results and incentify?the application and celebrate the successes e.g. Kennedy Center type events and smaller ones too. People are so hungry and are literally dying for words and actions that work to heal, not harm. Such words and actions are positively contagious. It will spread.
I continue to share this plea with fellow teachers, superintendents, school board members, students, parents, officials and people of influence around the world.
Author Thom Hartmann stated it well,?“Why, would people refuse to act when semiautomatic weapons designed for the battlefield are used against our children?”?For educators and others, I ask,?“why would we not make learning these Restorative & Workplace Skills the highest priority and designate them as ESSENTIAL SKILLS, not “soft skills?”
I realize the availability of military grade weapons are part of the problem BUT we need to educate the trigger pullers to realize that other responses are more effective and satisfying than a blood bath. Such responses are known and available. I’m honored to share where there is interest.
As I wrote to my elected state and federal representatives, I realize that from the official levels certain protocols are maintained. There are always other doors and windows. All ideas and suggestions are welcome. I am ready, willing and able to help when you are.
Ready for action?
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Teachers Making a Difference Spring Issue 2023:
(This paper is featured in Teachers Making a Difference magazine)
Use the Conflict Res Play as a performance (big or small) or as an icebreaker.
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