Stop Blaming!
There was a time when I did not make any progress at all, inspite of my dynamic nature and hardwork I put in business.I was fortunate enough to understand that it was due to my blaming nature. Blaming market conditions, blaming my team, blaming my customers, blaming competetors, blaming government policies, blaming climate changes and so on .... This understanding gave me the insight that, I begot this nature from my unwillingness to step out of comfort zone, as a result I had been ignorant. A person who is busy in blaming, can never take responsibility for change and can never grow their business. Every problem in business has a solution. And the best solution is to step out of comfort zone to improve our skills and knowledge, so we acquire the capability to solve the problems of the business. For that, the first step is to understand the problem and the second step is to learn precisely how to solve. After understanding this, I stepped out of my comfort zone and have been adopting several methods of learning, which gives me specific skills and knowledge on all aspects of my business. Precise learning is one of the stering force of the business towards growth, if the knowlegde acquired is applied and executed, only in the proper time and proper method. From my experience I would suggest business owners to habitualize learning.