Stop being two faced!! And uncover the real you

Stop being two faced!! And uncover the real you

Have you ever put on an act? You know, trying to appear a particular way, hoping people will believe something about you or that you're hiding something to protect yourself or others?  

We all wear masks at one time or another, some more than others. We wear masks to cover up our true selves, and what we are really feeling inside, perhaps because we fear rejection that someone will ridicule us or the fear of abandonment or loss of significant people in our lives. 

Wearing a mask can be as simple as putting on a brave face when you're petrified or pretending you're happy when you're deeply very sad. Masks are part of daily life, and in some instances they are necessary.

However when you choose to shield the truth of who you are behind a mask, you are making the judgment that who you are is inadequate, incompetent or not good enough in some way. By continually repeating that enough you're undermining your own self-respect. You become what you imagine someone else thinks you should be and end up hiding your true self. 

It's important to know that as you work to cast off your masks you begin living consciously through awareness, you also begin living true to yourself - living authentically. 

By removing your masks, you are claiming self-respect, allowing yourself to be recognised and valued, setting yourself free to be who you really are. It's exhausting to be who you are not, and in the process you block connecting and building genuinely intimate and rewarding relationships with people in your life. 

Wearing a mask can put up a barrier to avoid pain and protect yourself from disclosing something that we don't want people to know, and when they go beyond our pretence, we lash out. This anger mask can often cover up fear and sadness or the feeling of being lonely and worthless on the inside. 

Masks provide some emotional protection in the short run, however not knowing your true self creates a lot of anxiety because you can’t make decisions on who you are therfore you become defined by others. 

It takes more energy to be who you are not, it's actually exhausting to wear masks. Make a decision to drop the mask and reclaim your individual identity, that uniqueness that the right people will be magnetically attracted to. 

Decide to accept your internal experience instead of avoiding it, as this will allow you to face your external reality, facing your fears and choosing healthier, more effective ways of coping. When we work on cultivating our inner values, our pride, confidence, self respect, self love and strength comes from within not from a mask. Some people never take off the mask and lose their identity and Soul completely. Why waste the rest of your life pretending to be someone or something other than you? You were born to be you!

So get real, take off your mask and the illusion to reveal and express your beautiful authentic identity. 

You are good enough!



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