STOP! Before becoming a founder, here are 10 things you must consider ??

STOP! Before becoming a founder, here are 10 things you must consider ??

a. Do you have a clear vision and mission for your company??

b. Have you done thorough market research to validate your idea and potential demand for your product or service?

c. Do you have a solid business plan in place to guide your decision-making and growth strategy?

d. Have you considered the potential risks and challenges involved in starting and running a business, and do you have a plan to mitigate them?

e. Are you prepared for the time and energy required to build and grow a successful company?

f. Do you have a strong network of supportive advisors and mentors to provide guidance and advice?

g. Have you considered potential sources of funding and investment to support your venture?

h. Are you willing to adapt and pivot your business model as necessary to meet market needs and challenges?

i. Do you have the necessary skills and expertise to lead and manage your team effectively?

j. Are you ready to make sacrifices and prioritize the needs of your business over personal interests and comfort?

The above shouldn’t stop you from staring, even if you won’t have everything in place, which very often, you won’t.

But you need to consider these thoughts, amongst a whole lot more in order for you to have better odds at success.

Go forth. Kick A$$

#SuccessPrinciples #Leadershipthoughts #PrepareToSucceed


