Stop Asking This Interview Question

Stop Asking This Interview Question

“What is your greatest weakness?”

In a Linkedin poll , 44% of respondents reported that this question irked them the most. And for good reason. It feels like a trick question with only wrong answers. Some employers like to use this as a “gotcha” question to see how candidates respond to stressful situations. But this question has been overused since the 1960s, so it hardly surprises any candidate.

Hospitality employers already struggle to see candidates through the interview process. So, do your candidates and hiring managers a favor and nix that question from your interview process forever. Here’s what do to instead to engage candidates and really get to know them:

Ask Smarter Questions. Not Harder Questions

This question leaves the door wide open for candidates to give trivial answers that are unhelpful to interviewers. Since candidates tend to expect this question, they usually prepare a low-risk, canned answer. Or they will try to be sneaky and share a flaw that could also be positive (ex. “I work too hard”). Or even if they respond with a seemingly insightful answer, it might not be accurate.

There are plenty of other ways to figure out where a candidate’s opportunities lay. You will likely get clearer answers by asking them to “share a time they did not know how to complete an assigned task.” Not only does this open a discussion about knowledge gaps, but they also have the opportunity to show problem-solving abilities.

If there are specific qualities that you hope to avoid, then ask about them. If you need someone with strong conflict resolution skills, ask how they handle difficult employees or customers.

Look for Progress

Even the best employees have weaknesses. What sets them apart is that they also strive for improvement. Ask candidates what skills they have recently gained or what they are currently trying to improve. This allows candidates to share positive qualities and still gives you a glimpse at where they have opportunities. Also, by not focusing on negative traits, interviewers can create a better candidate experience that doesn't put anyone on the defensive.

Press their References

Chances are that candidates only supply references they know will give glowing reviews. Since a reference may feel uneasy about explicitly listing a candidate’s flaws, ask questions like ”What can they improve on most to make them a better leader?” Again, focusing on progress encourages more honest and productive answers. Be sure to ask for references that include peers and subordinates, not just supervisors, to get a well-rounded impression of your candidate.

Bottom line: Ask yourself why you fall back on asking candidates to tell you their weaknesses. Chances are, there are better ways to achieve those interview goals.


