Stonehenge Legacy
L. David Marquet
Former Nuclear Submarine Commander. Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of Turn the Ship Around, Leadership is Language. Creator of Intent-Based Leadership for organizations worldwide.
Leadership NudgeTM – Stonehenge Legacy
This week our Leadership Nudge comes from Stonehenge. Stonehenge is a fascinating place to visit and there is a great lesson in leadership just from being here.
A henge is a circular mound that usually has a ditch on the inside for a ceremonial or religious purpose. Here at Stonehenge it is unusual because the ditch is on the outside and of course we have the stones. Amazingly, the stones are from Wales, nearly 200 miles always! These stones are 4000 years old!
When one walks the grounds here at Stonehenge, you can't help but think about legacy. Leadership legacy. What is your legacy going to be? What do you want to leave behind? What do you want people to say about you when you are gone?
Our nudge to you this week is simply that;
Think about your legacy!
Let us know how it goes?
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