A stone overweight, feeling fat and unfit
Ok, so you're a stone overweight, feeling fat
and unfit, noticing cellulite in new places like
your arms and calves
You're actually 3 stone heavier than you want
to be, out of breath at simple exercises and so
weak, you can't lift household items that you
should be able to
You think about how you got here, were you
lazy? Probably, if you are honest and all the
biscuits, chocolate and bad food choices you
made were to blame
Then you think about a diet, going to the gym,
it's Sunday night, you promise you'll start
tomorrow, fresh on a Monday to set you up
for the week
You're clothes aren't just tight anymore, you
are bulging out of them and nothing seems to
cover the weight you've put on, so you wear
them feeling ashamed and uncomfortable
So, far I'm not talking about a client, I'm
talking about ME!
I've let myself go and I have a million excuses
but the only thing that matters is what I do
from here on
Where do we start?
It's tempting to put a schedule together with
a hundred do's and don'ts but to be successful
try to do the following three things
Set a goal
Mine is to be on the cover of a magazine by the
end of the year - yikes!
You could maybe organise a photo shoot and get
some really great shots of your new figure, set
a date and go for it (we could maybe do a shoot
Commit to two exercise sessions a week
Two is a good number to get started and if you
manage to do more they are a bonus and if
you only manage two, don't beat yourself up
Change one nutritional habit at a time
I teach this in WeightLess, my online
nutritional programme, instead of revamping
or dieting completely then failing, focus on
one thing and master it, before adding another
I'm starting with 5 veggies a day, I don't eat
enough but they will also fill me up and I won't
eat so much rubbish
Do you need help?
I'm lucky, I know what is needed to know and
will sort myself out, but what about you? If
you need me help, get in touch, we can even
do it together?
Carolyne x
p.s. I'm not letting it get to 2 stone overweight
not in a million years, take action now!
Carolyne is the owner of Fit Strong Females with a Studio in Glasgow City Centre and an Online Membership Site and also a Food, Success and Food Blogger and Writer. You can contact her at [email protected] or find more information at fitstrongfemales.com