Vivek Ranjan
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Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BCE. Stoicism is understanding and managing feelings rather than suppressing or ignoring them. It teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means to overcome destructive emotions.?
According to stoicism virtue, which means moral excellence, is the only true good and is sufficient for happiness. This includes wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. This involves understanding the natural world and our place in it, accepting that some things are beyond our control, and focusing on what we can influence.
One of the best lessons of stoicism is Recognizing the distinction between what we can control (our own actions and attitudes) and what we cannot (external events and actions of others), and focusing our efforts on our own responses.
One who follows stoicism practices mindfulness by remaining present in the moment and observing their thoughts and actions without judgment. They aim to cultivate a mindset where they remain unperturbed by external events, maintaining equanimity in the face of life’s challenges.
Reasoning is a key component of Stoicism, it guides individuals to make logical and ethical decisions. This also teaches one to control emotion and be rational in all circumstances.
The works of Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, and Epictetus are foundational texts in Stoic philosophy, offering practical advice and reflections on how to live a virtuous and fulfilling life.