About Stock Images/Photographs
Stock Images/Photographs: Are high resolution professional photographs that are often licensed and often have to be paid for. Some of the well known Stock Image sites people pay for, to get high-res photographs include Getty Images, iStock and Adobe Stock. These photographs can be of common places like landmarks, nature, events or people that can be used and reused for commercial design purposes.
There are some amazing platforms that provide high quality, royalty free Stock Images that you can use again and again ABSOLUTELY FREE. Some of the most common FREE stock image sites include:
- Unsplash
- Pexels
- Pixabay
Are you are graphic designer, a marketer or maybe you are just looking for some great high resolution photographs to use? Explore these awesome sites and get quality images free of charge.
Some of the most common commercial uses of stock photos include:
- Marketing & Advertising.
- Branding.
- Social Media & Online Presence.
- Artistic Productions & Creative Projects.
- Corporate Identity.
- Presentations.