A Stirring in my Heart, Taking Risks, and Miracles.
After working in a parish for 15 years, I knew God was stirring something in my heart.
I made the mistake of telling God that I would do anything he wanted me to do except for fundraising or working for Vagabond Missions, which was Dirty Vagabond Ministries at the time.?
I've since learned never to tell God what you will not do. ??
When I made the transition almost six years ago to come work for Vagabond, I somehow knew it was the right decision but, at the same time, felt it was terrifying. I trusted God and still was fearful as he asked me to learn what that phrase meant. I knew God would provide for my family and me. This time seemed markable different, though, and I knew each day would be an adventure.
I love our mission, fantastic staff, the teens we are privileged to serve, and our mission partners who make this work possible. Fundraising, which was a great fear, became a great passion. It is a joy to tell the stories of the teens we serve and what happens as they experience the hope and the joy of the Gospel.
"We see little miracles happen every day."?
Our staff member, Mark Pirro, who served as a missionary for more than ten years and now serves as our Director of Recruitment for Vagabond Missions, often expresses this sentiment.?I believe it because I've also seen it.
God is doing amazing things through our mission partners and missionaries in Vagabond Missions. Over a dozen teens are preparing to get baptized in the Catholic Church this Easter. Recently, a missionary shared with me how the teens going through our RCIA program, which we call "Jesus Class," were overjoyed as they learned about Eucharist. Before leaving that day, each teen mentioned they could not receive Jesus in this new way. I can't wait to see that happen at the Easter Vigil. This is one of the many miracles.
Vagabond Missions has grown in some wild ways over the past five years. We have quadrupled our outreach, our missionaries, and our budget to serve more teens around the US. In the last 18 months, we've opened four new cities, doubling our physical footprint to eight. We now operate in Pittsburgh, Steubenville, Wichita, Greenville (NC), Mobile, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, and Indianapolis. This summer, we will open in Baton Rouge, LA.
Bold dreams and growth have come by first doubling down on prayer and reliance on Jesus and then taking steps in faith with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I've experienced the ability to use all my strengths, all of my calling, and all of my spiritual gifting in this mission. I pray that each of you gets to experience this in your life through your work.
I've felt called to share more on LinkedIn because I believe God is calling more people to take a leap and discern what God might call them to. Perhaps God might be calling to discern being a missionary, a Missionary Team Lead (Ministry Veteran?with 3+ years experience in youth ministry or mission work),?or an Area Director (Ministry Veteran with 5+ years experience in youth ministry or mission work).?Click here to see all our job postings.
If God is placing a stirring in your heart, maybe it's time to discern taking a risk and seeing the miracles God wants you to experience. That could be with Vagabond Missions, or maybe that's with some other organization. I'd love to connect if you feel like that in your life and if I can be of assistance.
-Andy Lesnefsky