The sting is a con hoary with age. For as long as there have been con artists there have been Stings. Magicians are Sting Masters, who employ their skills to convince their audiences that the girl in the box was in cut in half. The credulous patrons scream and are stung simultaneously. Only when the woman/actress is summoned intact from behind the curtain do the deceived turn beet red and heave a sigh of relief. In the theater an entry fee is paid to gain access to the magical performances. Usually before a grift is enacted something of value, a money down payment, a Board seat, is promised or delivered.. After the illusion is presented, indistinguishable from reality, the Sting is completed. In this instance the magician (Hunter) labored to create the impression that the girl was cut in half, that all reeked of innocence. it was that illusion he attempted to project, but here, Joe and Hunter really cut the girl in half. Despite their fevered efforts to wipe the crime scene clean their fingerprints are all over it. It really transpired!

The "Sting" is the moment when the con artist finishes the "play" and takes the marks money. If the con is successful, the mark does not realize he has been cheated until the con men are long gone. If at all. Devon Archer's testimony, to have any probative value, should be confined to what he saw and heard. The ultimate meaning, illusion, or reality is not within his purview. Rather it is a question to be resolved by the trier of fact. Both Democrat Senator Goldman and Republican Senator Biggs said that Archer had no knowledge of an alleged $5 million payment to Biden from Burisma confirmed by a confidential FBI source.

Archer testified that "Burisma would have gone out of business sooner if the Biden brand had not been invoked. People would have been intimidated to legally mess with Burisma because of the Biden family brand." This father and son scenario occurred at least 20 times when Hunter called Joe to speak of the weather and ask "how are things" when he was on the phone or in the company of unsavory foreign business partners. It is curious that Archer was present to confirm the subject matters of the conversation How convenient. Was Joe part of Hunters scam to perpetrate the fact that he had unrestrained access to Joe which was the indispensable connection to achieve success. It was that connection not Hunters brilliance that commanded disproportionate fees and board seats. If Hunter is the illusionist, then Joe was the co-illusionist, criminally complicit when furthering the illusion for profit. Archer was the useful idiot, a best friend to be manipulated into a witness. Just another insurance policy to insulate Joe to be depicted as a pliable hick from Scranton, Pa. The many faces of Joe.

Or if it was not an illusion (It wasn't) it was a calculated business plan to bait the hook to land "big fish. In either scenario the net result is the same, a large net filled with many big fish. "Mr. Ten Percent" was the Fisherman in Chief without plausible deniability. It can de discerned that calling what father and son executed an illusion, is a red herring to distract from reality, because the result is the same. In the final analysis it was a Sting on Americans who were deceived by a Vice President selling access to his brand.

Without a Republican dominated Congressional committee the Democrats and their allies in the legacy media and the Justice Department would have succeeded in burying the greatest financial scandal in History.

Reality is all that we perceive around us which is not illusory: It's?all that exists regardless of whether it is perceived or not: it is what makes statements true or false; and it is genuine as in real leather, real flowers, real father and son, real 20 phone calls, real?talking every day, real Vice President, real brand, real introductions, real results.....none of which constitute an illusion no matter how finessed. It should be embarrassing for the Biden's and is insulting to our intelligence to cloak clumsily the reality of the relationship as an uncontrived illusion. The pattern of conduct itself dispels that notion, as do the real -life consequences. Was it a charade concocted by Hunter to promote the Biden brand by manipulating an oblivious father? Hardly. The only reason to describe Hunter's staging as "creating illusions" was to swindle the American people and insulate Joe from impeachment and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Is it remotely plausible to believe his foreign partners were hoods that were hoodwinked? Were they mere rubes or cunning operators reputed to be influential with the underworld? Follow the money and unravel the web of at least 20 off- shore corporations formed to inhibit transparency. The revelations to date warrant an inquiry into the viability of impeachment, to say the least .Let the investigation continue and may the truth conquer all.

#sting #swindle #bigfish #conjob #conman

Alan Zinser

Business Broker at Murphy Business Sales NW CT

1 年

I'm sorry, sir, but wasn't your guy just indicted yesterday by a DC grand jury? Apparently, the primary witness for these latest indictments was none other than Mike Pence who testified that when he objected to Trump's Jan 6th scheme, Trump replied, "You're too honest." On the very day that your guy is indicted, the timing of your amplification of these bad-faith narratives which are mined from the alt-right bigotsphere which is itself irrigated by GRU misinformation is a painful reminder that Putin's one chance to pull himself out of his current dire circumstances is to re-install Trump into the White House in 2024. Putin and Trump's fates are tied together...and so may well be the fate of our fragile democratic experiment.

Timothy C. Moynahan

I am a trial lawyer who represents clients in Civil and Criminal Litigation. I am an entrepreneur/deal maker

1 年

Andreea, your smiles, your frowns are second nature to me now. I was content before we met, I can always be that way and yet



