The Stillness of Nature and Our Inner Knowing
Boy van Droffelaar PhD
Leadership & Wilderness Researcher | podcast Leaders into the Wild | Speaker: masterclasses Natural Leadership, Theory U, What is Consciousness | Executive Coach
When we find ourselves in Nature, we are often deeply touched by the stillness that surrounds us. These are moments in life when time appears to stand still. The ancient Greeks referred to this phenomenon as Nunc Stans, a term that signifies a ‘Standing Now’. Heidegger described this as Augenblick, a term that translates to ‘the blink of an eye’. However, Heidegger imbues Augenblick with a deeper meaning: it denotes a moment of insight or vision (Einblick), often accompanied by a mysterious and profound quality.
Such moments, however brief, have the capacity to transform our perspective entirely. They can arise unexpectedly and direct our lives toward new horizons, initiating a profound shift in how we perceive existence. These experiences are both calming and profound, inviting us to engage with them with full awareness. Silence, in this sense, does not merely surround us but also finds its way inward. We feel the calmness of the external world flowing into us, placing us at the center of the stillness. As we listen to this stillness, it evokes an inner quiet within us. Only through achieving this inner stillness can we fully recognize the silence that envelops us. In these moments, thoughts dissipate, and silence merges with our consciousness, creating a formless and timeless space. This space feels peaceful and fertile, serving as a source of new ideas and creative inspiration. Accordingly, my own research (van Droffelaar, 2024) ??suggests that a deep journey into remote wilderness can profoundly impact individuals’ mindset, fostering personal growth?in line with the Inner Development Goals (IDGs).
In The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle writes that this stillness connects us with our deepest Self and situates us fully in the present moment. When our thoughts drift toward the past or the future, the inner stillness is disrupted, and the ego begins to assert itself. This is not inherently problematic, as long as we remain aware of it and regain control. By returning to the stillness, we reconnect with the Now.
An interesting distinction in English exists between silence and stillness. Silence refers to the absence of sound, whereas stillness signifies inner quietude: a state of attentive waiting, free of expectations. Simone Weil highlights that the French word attendre (to wait) closely resembles attention. Heidegger, in Introduction to Metaphysics, similarly notes that ‘to question is to wait,’, a challenge in a time that demands constant speed. This waiting calls for a moment of reflection before responding, leading us naturally to the concept of time.
Time, like silence, has two dimensions. On one hand, there is me’asurable, chronological time, or Chronos, as described by Joke Hermsen in Stil de Tijd. On the other hand, there exists Kairos, an internal experience of time that we perceive as duration or even timelessness. Like inner stillness, Kairos brings us closer to our deepest Self and serves as a wellspring of inspiration and creativity.
Kairos is often associated with the notion of ‘sacred time’, as such inspired and attentive moments create interruptions in the linear flow of everyday Chronos. These moments offer a temporary interlude during which, even if only briefly, we glimpse eternity. While Chronosrepresents the horizontal axis of measurable time that structures our lives, Kairos signifies the vertical axis. This vertical time emerges when we cultivate stillness, intuition, and depth, temporarily suspending the relentless ticking of the clock.
In such moments, we forget the pressure of time and step into a different experience of it. This dimension feels fuller and more expansive, offering unexpected insights and new possibilities. Freed from the urgency of Chronos, we discover a deeper and more meaningful engagement with time. As William Faulkner aptly wrote: ‘Only when the bells fall silent does true time come to life’.
During walks in nature—such as on a wilderness trail—we experience the true essence of silence and timelessness. We observe landscapes, trees, or flowers and recognize their stillness, how deeply they are rooted in their Being. This same principle applies to music: it is the silence between the notes that gives music its beauty. Likewise, in conversations, it is often the silences that carry the most meaning.
While the absence of sound can aid us in finding inner stillness, it is not a necessity. Even by the sea, beneath the crashing waves and the cries of seagulls, we can perceive a deeper stillnress. This natural silence connects us to our internal stillness and timelessness. Such experiences, often shared during moments in untouched nature, evoke feelings of peace and harmony.
In Phenomenology of Perception, Merleau-Ponty describes human openness as always being situated: we respond to the invitations offered by the reality we perceive. Nature and stillness invite us to transcend our preconceptions and engage with the world in a new way. They guide us to the source of our inner knowing. Together, in stillness, we learn to listen to what truly matters.
Professor of Intercultural and International Management, Program Director of International Business Management (B-IBM & MIBuMe), Researcher
2 个月happyto repost it to our IDG Higher Education and Research Circle ??
Prachtig Boy, ik denk (en voel) nog vaak terug aan onze gezamenlijke ervaring in Afrika ?? - daar heb ik wat jij omschrijft ten diepste meegemaakt ??
Founder Regenesis | Connector of Ecology & Economy | Symbiotic Shifter | Micro-adventurer
2 个月Dankjewel Boy van Droffelaar PhD, heel mooi verwoord en toegelicht. Ik heb gelukkig zelf ook enkele keren dit soort momenten mogen ervaren, maar het is moeilijk om er woorden aan te geven. Maar het gevoel dat mijn perspectief op het leven na die momenten blijvend (sterk) was veranderd, voelde en voel ik nog steeds duidelijk
Master Trainer & Coach - Train de Trainer - (Team)Leiderschap & Groepsdynamica - Auteur 'Meesterschap - universele wijsheden voor de trainer van nu'- eigen programma Stevig Team(ing) Fundament
2 个月Audrey Eijsberg