Still Waiting For A Clear Risk-Off Signal At 2024’s Start
There’s no shortage of reasons to be cautious on the near-term outlook for markets, but reviewing trend behavior via several sets of ETF pairs continues to reflect a positive trend for risk assets through yesterday’s close (Jan. 8, 2023).
To be fair, every trend hits a wall eventually, and it’s often difficult if not impossible to successfully call turning points in real time. That caveat resonates at a time when a number of key markets are trading at or near record highs. Notably, the S&P 500 Index is just below its January 2022 peak, inspiring debate about whether the strong and relatively quick rebound from the October low has run out of road.
For another perspective, however, there’s still no sign of trouble via the ratio for an aggressive global portfolio (AOA) vs. its conservative counterpart (AOK). This proxy for risk appetite via a global asset allocation profile has retained a bullish bias despite worries that trouble is brewing. (For perspective, see the previous two updates here and here.)