Still Using Zonyl??

Still Using Zonyl??

Have You Used Zonyl? Fluorosurfactants and Repellents?

Zonyl? fluorosurfactant and repellent grades were discontinued between 2009 and 2014. In their absence, Chemours Capstone??fluorosurfactants and repellents were introduced as replacements that meet the goals of the U.S. EPA 2010/15 PFOA Stewardship Program.

What Is Capstone???

Capstone? fluorosurfactants are based on short-chain molecules that cannot break down to PFOA or PFOS in the environment. For this reason, it has been used in many formulations across different industries and applications with reduced fear of environmental and personal health risks.

Testing Capstone??Products

Capstone? fluorosurfactants and repellents are not necessarily a one-to-one replacement for Zonyl??products, so you may need to test more than one grade. In addition, some formulations may need to be adjusted slightly due to chemical differences. For the best performance match, please contact us to discuss your specific application.?

Applications: Capstone? fluorosurfactants can be used successfully across a range of applications.

Our Guide

To view the starting point guide for Capstone? fluorosurfactant and repellent grades that match closest with Zonyl? products, please view our full article here.




