Still time to test!
20/20 Seed Labs Inc.
Empowering Growth Through Innovation, Your Trusted Partner in Seed Success.
We are pleased to provide our comprehensive list of wheat midge-tolerant (WMT) varietal blends that we currently test at our Nisku laboratory.
Our own molecular team has developed methods recognized by breeders/ distributors and the CSGA to further support the importance of stewardship practices for our industry.
We have created convenient packages for the pedigreed classes, which also include the popular germination and Fusarium graminearum tests.
AAC Awesome-AC Andrew
AAC Paramount-AC Andrew
AAC Rimbey-AAC Penhold
AAC Starbuck-AAC Brandon
AAC Wheatland-AAC Brandon
AC Sadash-AC Andrew
FP Genetics
AAC Darby-AAC Hassler
AAC Hodge-AAC Hockley
AAC Russell-AAC Brandon
AAC Succeed-CDC Alloy
AAC Walker-AAC Hockley
CDC Landmark-AAC Viewfield
DT2010-AAC Schrader
Certified package WMT, germination and fusarium plate. $199.50
Certified WMT $131.00 purchased without package.
Foundation and Registered package WMT, germination and fusarium plate. $277.50
Foundation and Registered WMT $216.00 purchased without package.
Select package WMT, germination and fusarium plate $513.50
Select WMT $472.50 purchased without package.
Prices do not include GST.
Reach out to the Lab today and let's talk testing!
#NeverStopGrowing #2020SeedLabs #Plant24