Still Doing Things the Old Way?
Still Doing Things the Old Way?
Spiral Duct? Bolts and rivets? Or maybe you’ve moved on to a rolled lip clamp together system! From us, right....Right?
We know the benefits of a clamp together system are infinite, kind of like its adjustability. But in all seriousness, the main limitation with clamp together duct is the potential leakage. You know it, I know it, your Mother probably knows it too. Sure, for dust and dry particulate collection, clamp together is a great option.
However, when dealing with wet and oil mist collections, rolled lip clamp together connections aren’t fool proof.
Drum Roll Please!
We know something that is leak free, airtight, and fully welded…US Tubing! Yes, US tubing is the perfect solution for wet and oil mist applications.
The beauty of the Ultimate Seal is in the V-gasket. How the seal is created??Unlike rolled lip, the V-gasket encompasses the entire end of the Vanstone edge.
Why do I need it?
Great question! Well, if you work in wet manufacturing, more times than not oil mist is being produced. Commonly found in modern manufacturing facilities, CNCs & EDMs create oil mist that NEEDS to be collected.
The mist from these machines creates both an enormous safety hazard and health concern for employees. No worries, looks like you’re in luck!
US Duct offers several specialty products designed specifically for the unique problems with oil mist applications:
These products provide a cost-effective solution to capturing and containing oil mist!