There still is diversity in my soup...
Nicole Neubauer
Hogan Assessments Distributor in DACH I C-Level Sparring Partner & Leadership Coach | Talent Selection & Development | Management Audits | Entrepreneur running on EOS | Talent is personality in the right place
Deloitte's study 'Waiter, is that diversity in my soup?' goes back ten years. Back then, the pressure for companies and their leaders of doing more with less, stand fiscal pressure, face increased uncertainty and volatility to drive company performance was on the rise. The tangible uplift for business performance could be seen when employees think that their workplace is highly committed to and supportive of diversity and they?feel highly included. That is 10 years ago!
Ever since, the outside pressure for companies and for leaders to innovate hasn't changed - to the contrary. #Digitization, #crisismanagement, #globalization, #AI have increased the pressure for leaders to drive change even further. So, well worth to have a look at the role of Diversity (&Inclusion). So where to start?
Always start with the end in mind.
The feedback from employees in what their recommendation was to drive diversity in the workplace was looking at hiring the personality matters.
Select for fit to the position
In order to make sure, you promote and/or select leaders that will drive diversity and inclusion in your organisation, clear role descriptions and requirement profiles will help. Investing in setting up a career model to show that your hiring criteria for a specific role are transaprent and not based on intuition is a first step. My experience shows that more and more companies have invested in new leadership models since #digitization and #nework has impacted the company performance.
What get's measured - get's managed said Peter Drucker. In order to push Diversity in organizations, you should put metrics behind those goals - and it's not just about promoting women into leadership positions. What else leaders can do to drive diversity within their teams?
Here's a checklist:
What is your experience in driving diversity in your organization and what role do you think leaders have in pushing it?