Are there still companies failing to take advantage of the role of the Business Analyst?
Carlos Colenetz
Product Owner | Copilot Advisor @ InfoWorker Tecnologia e Treinamento
I work as a business analyst for approximately 10 years, in addition to experiences as a Full Stack Developer and Project Manager. During more than 14 years of experience, I still see companies failing to take advantage of the role of a business analyst.
Maybe you don't know what the role of a business analyst is in a company, or maybe you are a business analyst and feel left out, just as I have felt many times.
The role of the business analyst in a company, industry or even an IT consultancy is:
Wow, if I were to describe everything a business analyst can do, I would have to write a dedicated article just for that. By the way, if you find it interesting send me a message or put it in the comments: what else would you like to know about business analysis or Business Analysis.
Anyway, the point here is that, some time ago in a galaxy not so far away, I went through a situation that made me want to write this article.
One of the clients I serve requested a change in the company's document management system, so far so good.
When I heard what the customer or Stakeholder wanted, I already had a dozen questions about why the customer wanted that improvement. As one of the important roles of an analyst is to ask questions, and questions that are relevant, I started:
Well, I'll be honest that after these questions it was clear that the customer didn't really know why he was asking for the improvement. It was clear to me and clear to them too.
But the customer wanted to continue with the improvement or solution the way they had defined it. As I am insistent, I tried again, but now pointing out possible problems or bottlenecks in the daily routines of the department if the improvement were carried out, here is what I scored:
You can imagine that my questions didn't help at all, and the solution that the client brought was implemented.
Moral of the story:
What I mean by this article is that the Business Analyst's role should not be underestimated when a need for improvement or new software is raised. We, as BA's, have a duty to value the user experience, the correct use of the resources of the company we work for, or the client we serve (in the case of a software consultancy, for example).
A message to business analysts: Do not accept without “fighting” the solutions that Stakeholders bring, question, try to make your customers think about it and, always, alwaysfocus business objectives and project objectives.