"Sticks and Stones"?

"Sticks and Stones"

"Sticks and Stones may break my bones; But words will never hurt me"

The phrase had its relevance when we were Neanderthals and Homosapiens.?

We then stretched it and used it as a soothing rhyme back in the era of corporal punishment despite having added over 20 000 words to our vocabulary.I am not immune to this - my mother is old skool.

FFW to modern day; the world of work has changed and so have the constitutional rights of all citizens. Yay! right?

Not necessarily; we just adapted and with that adaptation, found ways to weaponize words to elicit the same results.?

These are some of the categories of interaction that are prevalent, and contribute to a toxic (work) environment: Bullying, Belittling, Shaming, Gaslighting and yes, Over-managing.

Is this the reason for the rise in mental health matters? Bar from the pandemic, I have not seen any empirical data to support this; however, what I have seen is a collation between mental health awareness AND supportive avenues being offered that has increased the number of cases being reported.

You are not crazy nor are you a "snowflake". So what now?

1. Do not invalidate your experience;

2. Talk to your manager IF you feel comfortable, unless they are the source of your discomfort.

3. Keep a detailed record of all incidences, should this lead to a disciplinary/CCMA matter.

4. Reach out to your company's EAP (employee assistance programme) or ask your HR to connect you to one for counselling and/or coaching.

5. Find Social Support: be it in the workplace (avoid gossip), religious group or a loved one.

6. Decide: Is it worth having a crucial conversation to address the matters or is it time to exit?

Some people view "quitting" as a failure. I am here to tell you, if you are forced to choose between your mental/emotional wellbeing versus a job - choose You!


