Stickability In Leadership

Stickability In Leadership


I recently was copied into Napoleon Hills ’Thought of The Day’ about Thomas Edison.  I felt the topic of ‘stickability in leadership’, would be a good topic to focus on this week! Check out Napoleon Hills statement below:-

The average person would have quit at the first failure. That’s why there have been many average men and only one Edison – Napoleon Hill

Thomas Edison once observed that the reason most folks don’t recognise opportunity when it comes knocking is that it is often dressed in coveralls and looks like work. Edison knew that anything worthwhile never comes easily; if it were easy, anyone could do it.  Because he persisted far beyond the point the average person would consider reasonable and rational, he produced inventions that even the most learned people of the day considered impossible. Great advances in knowledge are often achieved by people with an almost fanatical devotion to finding the solution to a problem.  

Flashes of inspiration alone are not enough to ensure success; they must be followed by determined, persistent action - Napoleon Hill

Elite athletes running around the race track or oval know, for them to win their game, to grow in their proficiency, to gain elite status in the face of pain, adversity, internal dialogue, external opinion, that the game can only be won by staying on the track/oval.  Similar with elite tennis players at Wimbledon, when the ball doesn’t go their way in front of millions of people, they know to stay on the court, no matter what! I also recommended a great read a few weeks ago about Greg A Reid’s fabulous book – Stickability – The Power of Perseverance -  -  if you have not read it HIGHLY recommend!

So what’s my point. Of all the great visionaries, those that have accomplished the impossible they have had to learn the power of perseverance.  I know for myself in my own entrepreneurial journey of the last 18 years that it’s taken something to stay committed, stay the distance, but wouldn’t have it any other way!  So here’s what I have learnt:-

(1) People will come and go as you forge ahead with your vision, acknowledge them for what they have provided good, bad and indifferent for its all played a part in your life apprenticeship

(2) You may be accused of being the weird one, the crazy one, the idiot to keep going, know that ‘History shows that people who end up changing the world are always nuts until they are right and then they are geniuses’ – John Elliott – stay the distance it will be worth it!

(3) Usually when one is championing a vision, believing in the un-seeable there will always be naysayers, sceptic’s, narcissists, judgers and assessors, they come with the territory – expect it and use their feedback to fuel you to succeed NOT retreat back

(4) Given the timeframe it takes to accomplish a vision you yourself can buy into the self doubt of it ever coming through to fruition, it is at these times that your faith needs to lead relentlessly – so in these times do not distrust your faith, honour it more than you ever have and it will see you through

(5) Know that the time it takes to accomplish a vision is irrelevant. You are being prepared, and in hindsight you will always see why it could not have happened any earlier for you would not have been ready – trust in the process of divine timing

(6) You may become the target and accused by those you trust of being the ‘issue’ as to why your venture has not succeeded – there are huge sacrifices for leaders who live in the arena, those who follow are not as invested in what it takes to operate in the arena so find it easy to lay blame

(7) Make sure you have the support of those that believe in you when no one else does, the mentors, the confidants, the friends, your significant other – welcome & embrace their support for it is priceless

(8) Never relate to any failed attempt as failure, view it as part of your life apprenticeship to prepare you for the next step – use it as fuel for the fire for building resilience, it is not a deterrent it is a gift!

(9) Surround yourself with those who are hungry, who have high energy levels, who dream, who believe, who are as crazy as you are, the misfits, the rebels – they will keep you sane when others think you are insane

(10) Remember you know who you are! You can sleep well at night if you continue to live true to your values and integrity. You are on a mission, nothing will deter you from the accomplishment of your vision if you believe so learn to surrender to what you are being called to do for you know there is no other game in town!

(11) Trust is primary, you may not always understand why you are experiencing what you are on your journey but know that you are never given anything that you cannot handle. You must however STOP the ‘analysis paralysis’, for there will be instances where questioning ‘why’ certain things happen will not serve you

(12) There are many before you Walt Disney, Ford, JK Rowling, Colonel Sanders, Steve Jobs, Sylvester Stallone and the like, the list is endless, that navigated huge self doubt, external criticism, constant rejection, character assassination, financial ruin, failed attempts, internal betrayal but persevered in the face of no agreement. Regardless of where you are at with the accomplishment of your vision know that you are where you need to be in your evolution – visionaries cycle the stages of the Hero’s Journey constantly

All of my obstacles have strengthened me. You may not realise it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you

– Walt Disney

Last but not least, in closing, those who have stickability have accessed their KNOWING, they do not need any further evidence for they know if they but stay the distance and TRUST, they will be rewarded for their endeavours!

Joe Swinger

I help corporate professionals find careers they love | Trusted Advisor to Midlife Executives/Senior Professionals | What's your life's Destination | Make the next 40 years more meaningful than the last 40.

5 年

Great reminder, Sally of what I experienced in my spinning class today! I'm sure most can agree that there are days where it is difficult to give one's all, especially when it comes to working out! Today was one of those days in my spinning class - 60 minutes of extreme HIIT hill climbing, etc. I'd by lying if I said I didn't "dog it" a few times and cut back on the resistance. However, the real learning came at the end of the class. I realized that no matter the difficulty or exhaustion I was experiencing I NEVER GOT OFF THE BIKE! I persevered and made it to the end albeit burning a few less calories. We should never "get off the bike" when we encounter obstacles or resistance. KEEP PEDALING!?

Christopher Rausch

Transformational Consultant Empowering Progressive Teams & Culture Catalyst | Problem-Solving Leader for Agile Brands | Championing Change & Community Growth | No Excuses, Just Results!

5 年

Wow Coach! Yet another brilliant masterpiece of insight, perspective, and belief. It’s as if, when you were in flow of creating this, your muse was me. It speaks whole-heartedly and to the emphasis and training you’ve continued to provide me (pound in my thick skull) to move me forward in my growth. I will be reading this daily as part of my new morning success formula as I transition from WANTING to CREATING to my future!!!! Seriously friends, I know Sally through and through and her insatiable appetite and therefore knowledge of personal performance/peak potential is MASSIVE!!! More importantly, her journey is nothing short of what one day must be a movie about her life!! #INSPIRATIONAL Thank you Coach Sally - you are my true Angel here on Earth!



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