Stick to what I know or Roll the Dice???

Stick to what I know or Roll the Dice???

So it's been a while since I've written anything on here. I appear to have taken a sabbatical for the entirety of 2017... sorry about that! Welcome to 2018!

I can't really put a finger on my silence for the last 13 months. As my close friends, family (and to a significantly less friendly degree) Ex-girlfriends would be quick to say - I'm a proper wordy human. Frequently utilising all 160 characters in an SMS on my Nokia 5110 back in 1998... And 20 years later, Smashing out full Smartphone screen whatsapps at a canter. It's a blessing and a curse. But more to the point, I enjoy writing on here. It's a subtle and accepting enough environment that you don't ever feel as if you're trying encroach into the densely populated Online Blogging world. But also has the global outreach and potential for your words to travel near and far. But I guess I associate this medium and form of writing as Business, and in that aspect, It only get's utilised as and when required. As well as that, during 2017 I found myself in the fortunate position of not feeling as if I had to reach out to the masses, which was a nice change after an extremely tough period professionally during 2015/16. As a year overall, 2017 was probably up there with the best I've ever had. Health, Engagements, Weddings, Holidays, Laughter, Work and Success. And most importantly - No heartache or loss, which as you grow older, you appreciate more and more each year, as priorities change and life gets a bit realer than your youthful former self probably ever imagined.

I digress... I did warn you in the previous paragraph that I'm not shy on the character count!

So lets fast forward 13 months. I find myself in the fortunate position of contracting back in Norway. A place I now, without doubt, class as a second home and will always be special to me. Over different periods within the last 4 years, I've spent more time, made more friends and been on more adventures in this breathtakingly beautiful and friendly country than I could have ever possibly imagined when I first stepped off the plane as a nervous, but confident 27 year old back in 2014. And I've returned to Technip Stavanger (Now TechnipFMC) for the 3rd time... Where it all began! A terrific office (and company overall), that's full of ingenious minds and even better people, where I've undoubtedly grown both in a personal and professional sense since the first day I walked through the doors. Although unfortunately, with "Challenging Times" still very much a common term around these parts, and another contract a mere 3 months from expiry, I find myself in the precarious position of uncertainty once again. However the difference is that this time - I'm at a cross roads for a couple of reasons. I'm not so much thinking about my next move from ONLY a professional point of view anymore- but from a personal one also. I'm 32 next month... I'm no spring chicken anymore, I'm single (Calm down ladies, this a professional environment ??) and I no longer crave the lifestyle that one of a contractor offers. The Uncertainty, the lack of benefits or Pension Contributions, and on short-term contracts- The ability to build foundations or put down roots anywhere. Times have changed and so have I. I'm at a stage in my life that I'm looking at it from a different angle nowadays. Also, with the turbulent times that i've had to endure for 3+ years now, I feel as I'm potentially falling more and more out of Love with the Oil & Gas Industry.

I read something at the beginning of the year. I won't call it a blog, as it was so much more than that and associating the words written to a sometimes informal style of writing would be detrimental to what it is. It was the more an insight into somebody's experience and journey throughout their worst possible nightmare and It was written by an unequivocally inspiring young woman called Holly Butcher, who sadly passed away shortly before her words were made public by her loved ones. Prior to Holly passing away, she wrote something, which I personally thought was quite special and completely selfless, which was, without doubt aimed at inspiring others, whilst reminding people about the fundamentals of life and the important things. I won't fill you in on the specifics - all I will say, is that it will instantaneously change your way of thinking, make you laugh and possibly cry... Trust me, take a couple of minutes and give it a read, then come back:-

How you feeling? A bit of a rollercoaster of emotions wasn't it. After reading Holly's words, my mindset changed. I want to be truly happy - Life's too short for anything else. This is not a drill - THIS IS IT ??.

So... do I keep chasing the dream in the Oil & Gas Industry, or do I potentially perform a U-Turn and try something completely different? I didn't grow up dreaming of being a Designer, but at the same time, I feel very VERY fortunate to be in the position I am and I do genuinely (most of the time) enjoy my job. Don't get me wrong, I've worked extremely hard to get to where I am today. Having completely failed my latter (and important) years at Cults Academy Secondary School in Aberdeen, Scotland (much to the dismay of my parents- whom to this day I apologise to for the gut-wrenching feeling my "F" filled envelopes provided 2 years running... Sorry Mum and Dad!) Due to enjoying the social aspect that's associated with the latter years of school (AKA the Introduction of Girls, Alcohol and Parties) a touch too much as a young 17 year old Kristoffer. Because of that, Several years then ensued with working two jobs at times, low pay, night school, studying and learning- It was hard. So I don't take my position for granted and I feel very fortunate to be where I am today. But regardless... is it time for a re-think?

I'm not scared of change. A lot of people are - and that's not a negative, it's merely an individual feeling within or down to personal circumstance. That's all and that's absolutely OK. To each their own. On one hand, the current lack of a significant other in my life opens up endless possibilities to me, because I AM still allowed to be selfish and think only for myself, which understandably changes when you meet somebody special, start a family etc etc.

So what do I, Kristoffer William Duncan do... Stick or twist? If I say "F#%£ It!" and Roll the Dice, unfortunately I'm not going to be able to achieve the schoolboy dream of Playing for Liverpool at Anfield - they're in good hands with the Egyptian King Mo Salah and Bobby Firmino though! But why not something completely different, even at my age or stage of my life and career? The thought of absolute change excites me, as does the idea of a new industry and places - So I'm not writing anything off, as I've got the confidence and self belief that I can put my mind to absolutely anything. And I think it's important to remember that, whilst also remaining humble and grateful for what you do have in life. Remember- Nobody was born with the devine right to be a success. Elon Musk (Co-Founder, Product Architect and CEO of Tesla) - "Work like hell, put in 100 hour weeks every week. If others are putting in 40 hours and you're putting in 100, even if you're doing the same thing, you will achieve in 4 months what takes them a year". JK Rowling OBE (British Novelist, Screenwriter and producer) was divorced, on Government Support and could barely feed herself or her baby in 1994, three years before the release of the first Harry Potter book. And Lionel Messi (Worlds Best Football Player... Not up for debate Ronaldo Fans, you know it's true)- "It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success" You've got to have the desire, mentality and most importantly the work ethic to achieve success. It's not always going to be easy, or straight forward... and yes, you might have to piss some people off along the way (you can't please everyone), take some risks and after all of that... it might not even work out. But on the other hand it might. To me, success is a metric measured by happiness- and until I've found and my true happiness and it's at a level I'm content with and I deem myself a success - I won't stop pushing and fighting for it. Too many people have a tendency to spend their lives counting down the days until the weekend so they can bask in their temporary reprieve (Myself included at times) And then it’s right back on the hamster wheel for another week... and so on. But why? There's no script here.

I'm a firm believer in Fate, and as my mother always tells me to this day "What's for me, won't pass me by". So I'm not discounting any job, industry, opportunity or destination. But the most important thing to always remember is- Nobody is going to make things happen for you - that's our job and responsibility. Some people only ever dream of success, whilst others get up every morning and make it happen... And If required... I'm not scared to open the box to discover my true potential. So let's just see what transpires in the next couple of months I guess!

My current contract expires at the end of April 2018. Please get in touch if you've got an opportunity you would like to discuss with myself.

Wishing you the best of Health, Happiness and Success for 2018!




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