Stick it to the man – the Brexit finale

Stick it to the man – the Brexit finale

As the Brexit shambles unfolds and enters the stage where people finally get to have their say again, after the dismal performance of Theresa May and the UK government, as well as the EU for not moving things along, it is worth reflecting on the situation at large.

All the damage has already been done, the economy has taken a proper beating all across Europe and beyond, due to years of insecurity of which people are really feeling the grunt. It truly has been, and still is, a shameful political game impacting so many people. 

Well, luckily, all is not lost! As you, the people of Britain, supported by the people of the world, can potentially salvage something out of this. We all can, and most certainly should, take actions and as I call it #StickItToTheMan with which I literally mean you can show the UK government and world leaders the middle finger. 

How? Simple, do not vote for or against Brexit, because a vote, either for remain or exit, is confidence vote for current politics, it is a vote for these absolute imbeciles to keep managing your affairs, destroying your lives and the lives of your children. I can tell you I have seen a lot of incompetence in my career, but the level of competence and lack of understanding in present political figures is truly beyond belief, they are the worst examples for our younger generations and that is a bad state of affairs. 

I made the same type of statement I talk about here in Finland earlier this year, during the elections, I chose not to vote and made it very clear to people because there simply was not one candidate that came even close to meeting the expectations and especially values of what ‘my kind’ of politician would look like. The agenda these political candidates were presenting was in my view a public demonstration of the fact that they had, and still do not have, any grasp of the bigger picture, and how the world actually works. Now, watching the whole thing unfold it is like watching dominoes fall, why anyone would back these people is beyond my understanding.

With Brexit however, the scenario is so much simpler, you only have 3 real options (possibly some variations who knows) in terms of your vote, remain, exit or blank aka #StickItToTheMan :)

People have the power to change the world, they have done it in the past and they will do it in the future, and therefore you, each and everyone of you matter. I urge you to look deep inside and reflect on the world you want to be part of now and especially in the future, it is that world your ultimate actions will back. I think most of you, who are not totally ignorant or narcissist, will realise that passing either a remain or exit vote is a vote to continue in the same old direction as before and I think by now we can all say that the 'old' direction most certainly is not a very reliable path. Our children will hate us for it if we back this Brexit game, after all it is their world we destroy, so please be brave and do something that matters for once #StickItToTheMan and let's together make sure we stick it deep up where the sun don't shine!

Share this, use the hastag, start conversations, push the agenda, do whatever it takes > #BeTheChange 

** If this post receives enough backing I will keep sharing my views and thoughts around this subject. You can send me a private e-mail on [email protected] if you do not want to be seen to back this publicly through sharing, commenting or liking, cheers!


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