The STFU Movement!
Credit to Vattenpipa

The STFU Movement!

I’m torn. As a Christian man, I do my very best to try and avoid being mean and angry and I really do despise cursing. Now, I often trip up and that’s just part of being human, but I am always doing my best to check myself and take inventory of my behavior. 

When it comes to my fitness, I have been in the game for 30 years and I’ve certainly learned a whole lot about what works and what doesn’t - the most important piece to why things work or don’t, really boils down to your “WHY”. You don't train simply to haul around grey metal discs. You do it for a specific outcome. It could be body composition changes, it could be to release pent up stress, heck, it could be training to improve your professional or weaken warrior sports performance. Whatever it is, it's your reason/why you do it. You certainly don't do it to waste time and if you do, you're goofy!

Now, I'm not sure about the impact the following piece will have on you, but for a former hard-core meathead and current lifter like myself, it hits home, BIG TIME…I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t do the same for you. 

It is ultimately written for those who are sick and tired of not experiencing the greatest results possible! 

Yes, it’s in your face and yes, and yes, it may be a bit over the top, but guess what, I am so incredibly sick of the sensitive snowflakes and sallies – we have become a nation of weaklings and it’s infuriating! 

Let's dig in...

As we all know, there are plenty of workouts and fitness material available and honestly, you don’t have to pay someone to get an awesome “direct plan of action”. In fact, some of the greatest exercise routines are free, there for the taking, one simple Google search away. 

When I first set out to write this article, I wanted to keep it light, give you some gems and keep it short, but I realize that I need to set you straight and so, I’m drilling down with some critical material that I know can help you if you take the time to read.

Blood Works Wonders!

One of the first things you should do before you begin a vigorous workout regimen or before you start a new eating plan or even before you ever expect to achieve workout results, is getting yourself to the doctor for an annual checkup and make sure to get your blood taken. It’s one of the most important, potentially lifesaving and without question, the most valuable and eye-opening thing you can ever do to get yourself healthy and in amazing shape. 

*Tell your doctor that you’d like to have them do more than just a “routine blood test”. Let them know that you’ve done your homework and request/demand that they do a more thorough blood test work up. Here is a list of some the things you’ll want to test for:

1) Chemistry Panel and Complete Blood Count

2) Fibrinogen

3) Hemoglobin A1C


5) Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) – for men only

6) Homocysteine

7) C-Reactive Protein

8) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

9) Testosterone (Free)

10) Estradiol

If you have questions about why these markers are important to test for, simply Google each and you’ll quickly learn the significance of each. Tell your doctor that you need to really understand what’s happening “under the hood”, so that you can be more proactive with your health. 

**Let them know your objective beforehand, as this could affect the amount of blood that they draw. 

***You want to make sure that your doctor/health care provider is well versed in reading your blood panel and that they can effectively explain each and every facet of your blood work. You’ll want them to take the time to explain each marker level and how each affects your body and health. This includes your hormone levels.

Hope for the best, but prepare for anything!

I hope and pray that your blood comes back and the doctor tells you that everything is normal, but remember, you and your doctor, MUST take a deep dive and really understand what each and every blood marker means for you. Expect to see some possible deficiencies and learn about the things you can do to help optimize those areas. Unless you’ve been diagnosed with a possible health issue that interferes with your ability to exercise and get healthy, don’t worry and begin working on the areas of your health that you have the ability to improve upon.

Now that we’ve covered some of the areas that you may not be able to control without medical support, let’s now get into some of the reasons whyyour workout efforts haven’t been working out for you. If you care to debate me, you’re likely someone who has done a terrific job making excuses and getting your way. The following are hard facts and there’s simply no debating them, so save your excuses, stop the BS and let’s dig in! 

You already know that to reach the highest possible form according to your potential,you need to exercise, eat right, and rest well. Everybody knows that, right?

It turns out that those words lack a universal meaning. “Right” means different things to people. And who’s right in the end? 

It drives me crazy when I think about how people sabotage themselves!

The truth is, there are SO many awesome workouts available to you and guess what? 

The majority of them would work wonders if you just followed them and did what you were supposed to do!! 

This is the true pain point. This is why you haven’t been able to get there yet. And this is why you are going to nail it with my help…if you truly want to make and see change!

I’d like to introduce you to my “Five Muscular Tiers.” Just like the Three Musketeers, they are a group of basic elements developed to work in synergy. Remember the adage attached to the three soldiers? Their modus operandi was, “All For One & One For All!” = if you expect the greatest outcome, you must keep all five working together, in balance. 

When tuned, they give you maximum results, the best you can achieve based on your genetic background. The Five Muscular Tiersare:

1.         Weight Training

2.         Cardio Training

3.         Proper Nutrition

4.         Vitamin/Supplement Stack

5.         Rest & Recovery

No surprises here, everyone knows that doing weights & cardio, eating properly etc., are the key to good health and a great physique.

But here’s the catch: The secret is in the dose. Too much or too little of an element spoils the recipe.

Still, that’s easily manageable and there is a recipe for success. Follow that recipe and it’s a done deal baby! 

There’s one CRUTIAL piece that is never spoken about and it’s pretty entertaining, because people don’t want to talk about it. They talk about everything else and can’t seem to keep their mouths shut…and this brings us to one of the MOST IMPORTANT LESSON’S OF YOUR LIFE…

If you finally want to achieve results in the gym, in the office, in relationships, learn how to STFU! 

Again, please forgive me for the acronym and if you are offended, don’t be - simply swap out the traditional “f” word for “funk” and let’s learn how we can begin to make significant change in our lives by doing something about it – we can start by, yep, you guessed it, by talking about it! 

Listen, I love to talk and being a good communicator is something that can lead to many wonderful outcomes, but it can also quickly end you up with very little to show. 

I wanted to keep this article focused on fitness, so let’s stick to that. 

If you’re a member of a gym, I want your next visit to be more about observing others. I hate to waste your time and this is only a means to give you great observable evidence by showing you what’s currently happening around you. Call it a discovery, teaching us exactly why so many of us find ourselves in the same terrible shape year after year…

So, again, while in the gym, take just two minutes of your valuable time and have a good look at everyone around you.

I guarantee you, that you’re going to find about 8 out of 10 people having a conversation with some or a few other people - you’re going to see so much! 

Here’s an example of some of the things you’ll see on our tour:

  1. A breed of person with eyeballs and fingers glued to their phones. 
  2. The species of person who appears to be sitting and waiting on that piece of exercise equipment, as if they are reclining at their home in their favorite rocker. Oh, no, they have no reason to allow others to join them on their jungle perch…not until they are good and ready to move to the next rest stop.
  3. On your splendid discovery tour, you might catch a glimpse of the zombie person – the guy or gal looking as if they’re in a daze, staring aimlessly into the abyss, as they perform one tritillion idunno’s.
  4. Oh, and then there’s the populous breed of person who gets along only in a group of two four and more – watch as they smile and laugh and have a grand ole time. They amaze me!
  5. I almost forgot about the Peecock! A unique species of jerk job that I wish would steer clear of gyms.

The Peecock is the person who feels the need to attract attention and does so through a number of exotic displays. You might see them throw their weights or their water bottle down (yep, something trending) marking their territory. They can often be found by their obnoxiously loud mating rituals, grunting, growling, screaming in what sounds and appears to be total mortal combat with the weights! If they took that energy and invested it into the actual lift, by golly they might very well impress the snot out of themselves!     

I’d be pretty taken back if you’re been a member of a gym and not come across one, some or all of these special creatures.

You don’t have to be one of those five, above, to not still be labeled a menace. Yes, it’s great to have a great time and smile, and laugh and talk, but guess what, you’re not in the gym to smile, laugh and talk!!! You’re here to sweat your ass off (literally) and to remain silent and to get your workout done with extreme intensity and laser focus!!!! You’re here to STFU and Train! 

Important Distinction To Be Made

When you’re spotting someone (and that’s a whole other thing I’ll get into), it’s absolutely fine giving the person you’re assisting vocal cues for motivation and inspiration, but leave it at that. Assist and get back to YOUR routine! People requiring too much spotting need to reevaluate their ability! Nuff Said! 

Also, let’s discuss music. Love it. All day, every day! Music is one of the most powerful ways to become inspired, so long as it’s music that really “moves you”. Much more to discuss when it comes to music, but let’s save for another STFU article! 

Let’s run through a list of things you may or may not be doing on a daily basis…

  • Do you workout? 
  • Do you workout, often? 
  • Do you workout and eat right and do all of the things that most fitness experts tell you to do and still you’re not getting results? 

Chances are, you’re either not being honest with yourself about eating clean or you’re not following the workout and are missing some of the important elements that are required of you OR 

plainly speaking, you just can’t seem to put a muzzle on your mouth and STFU! 

It’s okay if that is you, but own that skin and stop complaining if you’re in it and feeling frustrated…oh, just make sure to get way out of my way and out of the way of people who have had it with people who are floundering through life! 

You see, I don’t want to waste your time or mine. I don’t have patience to train amongst the types who are looking to make friends in the gym and I certainly didn’t join the gym to be a member of a social club. If that’s you, you’re mating grounds might very well be the land of Planet-Fit-Messor others like it, but gyms were originally designed to be places where people trained and achieved extraordinary body composition results from engaging in high energy and high intensity work. 

Here’s where I’m at with my contribution to the fitness industry In search of people who want to join the STFU Movement

The STFU Movement details:

So, listen, as much as I love to talk, even more, I love laughing and making others laugh, but I’m really not here to entertain as much as I want to teach you, by creating a new way (maybe it’s the old way!) of helping you get great things accomplished, quickly.

We live in a “ME, ME, ME!” society and most people love having all of the focus on them – they’ve fallen in love with the idea that they are some kind of special and will do almost anything to let the world around them know it. That’s fine and dandy, but there’s a time and place for that kind of nonsense…IT’S NOT THE GYM!

The gym is not the place to get your social sexy on. It’s a place for absolute change to take place and it’s the place where you must STFU, get your workouts done and then “get out of Dodge!” – If you want to take your refreshed mandible muscles to the parking lot or even the juice bar area, have at it, but keep that lollipop sucker shut when you’re near the iron or machines!

It’s that easy and for many of you, it may seem near impossible to implement. 

For someone like me, an entrepreneur, I see great opportunity! I see that opportunity in a new type of gym. Call it, STFU Gym, and although it sounds like something I would have heard my mom say to me as a kid (just joking!), it’s the real deal!  

I am very fortunate to be a part of a business group, where we have amazingly talented business people and unlimited funds to make a pursuit like this, possible. 

What I don’t yet have, is the validation of the concept and the viral troops to help take a concept and turn it into a worldwide phenomenon. I do, with all my heart, believe that the fitness world needs this type of ZERO BS and hardcore style gym, and I want to hear from you, if it’s something that resonates with you or turns you off. 

I would join in a heartbeat. Knowing that I’m going to the gym and don’t have to be prepared for pushing out and hearing the traditional niceties that ALWAYS takes away from my time and intense mindset. That’s priceless! 

You walk into STFU Gym, and instantly Beast Mode is switched ON

Here’s How It Would Work, NO IFS, ANDS OR BUTS…

  • STFU Gym is an Invite-only gym membership. It’s ALL about the right attitude!
  • Even beginners - you have the right attitude and you're in!
  • We have NO PROBLEM kicking people out if they abuse any of our policies!
  • No cell phones. No attitudes, No small talk, No cliques, No tough guys, No F'n (funky) BS (baloney sausage :)!
  • You don't train, LEAVE or we'll make you leave!

I always said to myself, “if I ever opened up another gym (I’ve owned two), I would only do it, again, if there was something radically different about it!” I found what that is!

STFU Gym Fueled By Prepper Fitness = Prescriptive-Based Fitness Preparing Every Body For ANYTHING! 

I’m going to end it here…

If this article inspired you, let me know and let’s see if you’re someone who can join forces with me and my team.

If you found that the piece pissed you off, GREAT. Do us both a favor and disconnect from me, immediately. We simply don’t jive and that’s okay! 

Wishing you ALL a wonderful Holiday Season and plenty of joy filled days ahead!


Matt Masiello

Chief Growth Officer | Revenue & Profitability Accelerator

6 年

The James Villepigue mind at work! Love it! I will have to take a few lessons from this article. 1. I tend to work from the phone between sets. 2. I’ll try to chat less with my buddies. 3. Now I know how to use “modus operandi” in a sentence. Thank you brother!

Felix Corraliza

Sales Manager at USF Fabrication

6 年


Christopher Thompson

Founder & CEO at CRUSH1 COACHING & CRUSH1 NUTRITION-Creator & Writer of "Get H.O.T.-F.A.S.T."

6 年

I dig it! ?Wether it is a unique gym or simply a critical ?global attitude mind shift amongst the masses (especially those looking for mass or mentally reliving their days of prior mass- they tend to be some of the prime offenders) the climate is ripe, ready and overdue! ?I've already enlisted in this mindset and practice and welcome and encourage others to show up, grow up and lift up! ?Attitude determines altitude. My 2 cc's CT


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