Steven Bartlett gets the power of story
Steven Bartlett gets the power of story in business and so does Deborah Meaden, not exactly breaking news, they talk about it on Dragon's Den all the time.
So.... what's my point?
If Steven Bartlett and Deborah Meaden are talking about storytelling in business shouldn't you be talking about the story of your business? I mean, they seem to have done okay!
What is the essence of what you do and how do you explain it to your ideal customer? Where do you start? And how do you make it stand out in a crowded marketplace?
Taking it back to radio, as this is where I've spent most of my time, the first thing I focus on is the listener benefit. In terms of your business, the question would be, what is the benefit or positive outcome for your ideal customer? That should be front and centre and it needs to be simple. I often start by writing all my thoughts and ideas down and then stripping it all back to its simplest form. It's basically an elevator pitch but not for investment in Dragon's Den, it's a unique (to your company) invitation or declaration as to why your ideal customer must have your product or service.
In summary: What is the story for your business and does it help your customer understand what you do and why they should buy from you?
Unsure where to start?
Drop me a message, let’s talk.