A Steve Jobs Theater, But Not A Steve Jobs Show
In 1984 Apple introduced Macintosh and with a red pants female runner and a hammer over a monolithic environment, smashed the big brother's screen. Apple brought freedom, turned “Different” into a virtue, celebrated creativity. The promise was “You will see why 1984 will not be like 1984”.
2019 Apple is introducing the Apple TV+, Apple’s screens colors and graphics are in a perfect match (or at least have great resemblance) with the 1984 Big Brother screen and message... “We Shall Prevail.”
This time Apple is not the new hope, the red pants runner, the rebel. This time, under Tim Cook's management, Apple show's itself as the big brother on the screen.
I think now it is official, Steve Jobs is dead, and he has become a theater, a show. His name and legacy are monetise, turning into an empty shell used for profit, by his former employes.
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