Steps To Unblock One Of The Most Common Bottlenecks In A Company

Steps To Unblock One Of The Most Common Bottlenecks In A Company

Once, a shaman was asked what poison was. He answered: Anything beyond what we need.?Too much?food, power, oxygen, ego, etc. can cause as much damage as the lack of them.

Having to grow up?too soon?or building a business?too fast?can be as dangerous as being left behind personally or professionally.

One of the most?practical definitions of trauma?is “too much, too fast, too soon” for a reason.

Don’t worry, this article is not going to deep dive into the strictly regulated territory of clinical psychology and horrific childhood memories, but we are going to use that definition to explore how to prevent organizations from creating toxic cultures that drive disengagement and burnout.

Solutions can only be found if we face reality. If the starting point is precise, an accurate journey can be planned. If we are (even unintentionally) misinformed about it, the journey probably won't lead to the desired destination and it can hurt.

Where do we start?

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace,?only 15% of employees?(download required) are engaged in the workplace—so 85% of them are not. To make it even more interesting,?the bottom 5%, the most disengaged layer of a company, is middle management. Companies spend a fortune on employee engagement programs, yet the numbers have barely improved in the last 20 years.

Where do we want to get to?

A good, empowering corporate culture can generate?four times more revenue?as engaged employees lead to better business outcomes. That is the bottom line. Literally.

What is the root cause of the problem?

Communication is the foundation of leadership, yet according to?91% of 1,000 surveyed employees, their superiors lack that specific skill, which might be one of the main reasons why?nearly 1 in 3 employees?do not even trust their employers. Other research showed similarly concerning results:?60-80% of all problems?in a company are due to friction between people who think and behave differently, not the lack of motivation or skills.

In a nutshell, the quality of people’s interaction with each other and how much they feel valued and understood determines how much potential can be unlocked within the company and how much remains untapped.

So why are the current programs struggling to improve the situation?

It seems to be clear that the bottleneck of most companies is middle management, the most disengaged employees who are supposed to lead and inspire over 70% of the workforce. This is not a criticism at all, it is the exact opposite. Being a middle manager is hard; they need the most support while they tend to get the least.

Looking back at the definition of trauma, we can update it to “too much or not enough, too fast or too slow, too soon or too late.” The damage can be caused by a single event or several, small clashes with people who think and behave differently or even by ourselves.

Most of the training budget is spent on senior leaders who are often more disconnected from the customer-facing staff and there is not much left to support the middle managers who are mostly responsible for creating a psychologically safe environment. Would it make sense to support them sooner and better so they have less baggage by the time they get to the top?

How do you unblock the bottleneck?

One of the main issues I have noticed while working with leaders of global companies was that they associated the level of certainty they projected with the quality of their leadership skills. They often felt that they had to know all the answers instead of providing direction and support.

To paraphrase?André Gide, a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature said:?trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it. This idea succinctly sums up the approach to coaching and leadership.

The human mind is attracted to the illusion of certainty even if it does not exist in nature. Only a few things are certain, although their timing is often an unpleasant surprise. Offering certainty to people can be harmful if it suppresses the power of cognitive diversity when it is needed the most.

When I started my first business, I thought I needed a coach to give me the answers I did not have. When I did not get them, I jumped to the “logical conclusion” that they were bad coaches and I had wasted my money and time.

When I started coaching, I made a similar mistake. I thought clients were looking for somebody who had the answers and when they got suggestions instead of a safe space to think by themselves, they jumped to the same logical conclusion.

I was fascinated by the illusion of certainty buried in answers and promises instead of developing people and their capability of finding solutions. That is what coaching and leadership are about. It is a skill that should be learned as soon as somebody embarks on the journey of becoming a leader. Here are some steps you can start taking today:

? Ask questions.?Too many might come across as creepy; too few would be insufficient. Find out what really drives clients so you can help them thrive instead of just surviving.

? Get and offer support.?Too much support would make life boring; not enough makes it stressful. Growth happens under the right amount of pressure, so focus on psychological safety instead of physical comfort.

? Develop people so they can fix problems.?It is tempting to offer solutions too fast and too soon, however it just robs clients of the opportunity to learn and grow.

Finding the balance is challenging and you will make mistakes, as being a leader and coach is a rocky road. Building people who build businesses is a scientific art or artful science—it depends on how you look at it. There are proven steps to learn, and the rest is going to evolve while we practice them. There is no shortcut.

Article by?Csaba Toth?- Founder of?ICQ Global,?developer of?Global DISC?, the multi award-winning solution for coaches and corporate clients to level up performance.

Published by?Forbes Coaches Council?


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