Steps to get the best trademark with Trademarkia
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A good trademark is an excellent place to start your way to success.
It is a well-known truth that a trademark is a crucial component of a business as it serves many distinguished traits. A buyer associates a trademark or emblem for a specific proprietor with just a glance. It could be a color palette, a logo, or a complex design.?
Consumers should not be required to read the words to get their meaning; a single glance should be enough to know everything. Take an example of the shoe brand, named Nike, it does not typically include words in its logo, but the majority of people are able to identify it easily.
It is critical to comprehend the importance of an innovative and attractive trademark or logo for a company to create an image among its audience. A trademark can provide customers with information about the product's standard and quality.?
For example, a glance at the Rolex logo reveals the high-end luxury item made in relation to the quality standards. If Rolex's name or emblem is associated with another company, its reputation may be jeopardized.?
Trademarks are frequently used to protect the quality of a brand. A trademark conveys to customers that a product fits certain specific attributes. A trademark owner can prevent others from using it by registering it, which keeps purchasers informed about the items.?
Lux, for example, is an Indian soap brand that has been marketed as the "Beauty Soap of India”. If another soap company uses the same trademark, customers may be misled and end up paying for something they didn't want.?
Years of marketing may be required to persuade people to accept and use a company's products. Certain companies have trademarks that have been in use for a long time and have an unrivaled reputation. As a result, it is vital for companies that own such trademarks to protect them against unlawful use to retain their image among customers, competitors, and the general market.?
For example, the logo has remained constant because the Belgian beer company Stella Artois has used the same design since 1366. As a result, its name has an unbeatable reputation.?
Trademarks boost the value and recognition of a company. As a result, a company with well-known trademarks enjoys a positive market reputation. It also makes it easier to raise finance on the stock market or borrow money from lenders to expand into international markets.
There are also logos and marks linked with certain well-known brands. The symbols of these brands are more well-known than their names:
1. This brand will be well-known among consumers who enjoy online shopping and self-care. It's the logo of a successful Indian e-commerce startup called 'Nykaa,' created in 2012. Their emblem has become well-known, and the letter 'N' on a pink backdrop is frequently linked with them.
2. The famous rickshaw and cab aggregator, 'OLA,' is represented by a black circle with a yellow/green filling inside. The logo features their initial 'O' and the yellow and black colors of a classic cab. It's a clever logo for indicating the type of services provided by the company.
3. Amazon, one of the most popular e-commerce businesses, has an equally famous logo. The Amazon logo has a special meaning; if you look closely, you can see an arrow underneath the word Amazon that starts with the letter 'A' and ends with the letter 'Z.' It is assumed that the arrow denotes that Amazon has all the possible products available for its consumers of sale.
India's Trademark Filing Trends
According to a study provided by the Indian Trademark Registry, 3,23,798 trademark applications were registered with the Indian Trademark Registry during 2018 and 2019. The total number of trademark registrations increased by 5.3 percent.
India is undergoing a significant transformation in terms of protecting its intellectual property, as evidenced by the above numbers. With growing awareness of IP protection, more IP companies and industries are emerging, and even startups in India have begun filing IP applications.
In terms of quality, reputation, and turnover, trademarks provide consumers and manufacturers with many benefits. As a result, most firms want to protect their brands from infringement and avoid any financial damage.