Steps on Climbing the Ladder of Success
Technical Drawing By Matthew J. Gaydos

Steps on Climbing the Ladder of Success

                “When you Add Value to Someone’s Own Life 
                     You are adding Value to your own.
                         This is True Success.” ?
                            Matthew J. Gaydos        

Author’s Note:
I did the main banner page with: pencil, ruler and other drawing devices. I had no access to CAD programming. The ladder in all three (3) figures is made out of lightweight material.



What does it mean to be successful? How are you going to be successful? We shall answer these questions and more.

The following is a compilation of concepts dealing with success. The author has found these concepts on print and social media.

The Secret(s) to Success:

1) When you fall or fail; Get Back up.

2) Do not stay down. ??

3) Tell Thyself, that you can take punches.

4) Moreover, take on opportunities no one else wants.

5) Keep your whole Health, Wealth and Well-Being in check.

Never Forget Statement (Five) 5: Being disciplined means keeping your own: Health, Wealth and Well-Being in check. Being disciplined is the First Rung on the Ladder of Success.


I. Being Disciplined

The first step in building your ladder of success in Being Successful is Being Disciplined. Being disciplined means failing, falling down, getting up and repeating this process.

By building Value to YOURSELF, means you are adding value to the wheelhouse of the business you work in. Keep Learning and soak up Knowledge like a sponge.


Success come upon giving relentlessly till it hurts. Anyone who is in management should be: Teaching, Building, Instructing and Communicating to their associates good and bad of what they are doing and how they are preforming.


Success is a mindset or paradigm shift that you, must always look for and look toward. You must have a nimble mind like an Engineer. Always be on the lookout to see how you can do Your Job better.


If changes need to be made tell your supervisor. Communicate effectively to management. They can accept or reject the change. Then communicate those thoughts to your fellow associates. This mindset, allows you to always remember how you got to the positon you are in now.

II. Creating Luckiness: Communication

A) Meet and Communicate with people in any situation. You must understand where people are coming from in order for value to be added. This is what I learned from the “Dorsal Fins” on Shark Tank. Communication is Key!!!

????????1) In store checkout line.

????????2) At your job.

????????3) Visiting your neighbors and friends.


1) In store checkout line.

When you stand in line and the person looks pleasing start a conversion with them. The unknown variable is: How the person will respond?


Make the first move. Speak to people. Ninety (90%) percent of the time the person will be in favor of reciprocating gestures or words towards you. Meaning, they will respond to your kindness in kind.


You, made the first move. They, are saying, (in the back of their own mind) I should have spoken UP first.


2) At your job.

When your boss asks you to take on a task; do it. Even if you do not know how to solve the problem(s) or issue(s). You have a network (of associates at work) whom can help you figure out the problem(s) or issue(s).


The first and foremost, the boss wants to see results. Next the boss wants to See and Comprehend what matrices you used to accumulate a solution to the problem(s) or issue(s) at hand.


3) Visiting your neighbors and friends.

Visiting and Assisting your neighbors and friends is twofold.

A) It adds value to them in their quest for achieving a solution to their problem or issue.

B) It helps you by communicating your knowledge through and assisting them in their time of need.


III. Place Yourself In Front of People.

A) People will see You for how you handle yourself and how you treat others. If you are visible at work you can be seen as a Value Added asset. That is what you want to achieve.

B) This High Visibility can also be achieved through taking on a leadership role. You can also start a Book Club. Show and Tell People know what you are about and what you can do under pressure.

C) Can handle yourself under pressure. A good way to prove you can handle yourself under pressure is to be in a sales position. You must be able to handle all the accolades and shit people through your way.


These positions are by far positions that will show people what you can do under pressure. You can also use this as a stepping stone for getting you noticed in the best “light” possible.


IV. Read, Read and Read

A) Why should we read?

Every chance I get I write and discuss this topic. It is a “fruit-bearing topic” with me. Reading helps you with Comprehension in all your areas of life.


B) The Psychological Effects of Reading

Reading is a “Mind Expander” that helps you to understand and break down concepts (of what is being dispensed) quicker. Reading allows you to be much calmer in your thought processes.


According to “Reading can even relax your body by?lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles. A 2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%.”


This is very amazing to the author. Lower you stress by reading. This is a great concept. Another way to de-stress is to not spend so much time on the electronic devices whatever you happen to use.


You are able to analyze more effectively and efficiently. You can arrive at answers faster and easier while you are in the analyzing and titrating mode(s). You can see the other side of what is being stated to you: problem or otherwise.


Why? Reading allows you to see the other side (the author’s side) of the situation as you are reading. I even annotate in the margins of the books; I am reading. I let the reader (of the book I just read) know what and he is thinking or feeling.

Reading helps by expanding your mind to make “You” a better person through the “Growth Mind Set” philosophy. As you read, you are learning and growing through the Growth Mind Set philosophy. An added bonus is sharing your wisdom in the margins.


C) What types of books or periodicals for a Growth Mind Set? Periodicals that will challenge you to think and mold your mind to think differently. Read books like: The Holy Bible, Drawing, Writer’s Digest, Writer’s Journal, Math, Science, Engineering or Popular Mechanics.


These are just a smattering of what may challenge your thoughts and ideas. This is what reading should do challenge what and how you think!!!


The main idea is to get You to just read and be a ferocious reader. Be hungry for “Nuggets of Knowledge.”

D) Read Periodicals that shall assist you in your Building of Self, Wealth and Well-Being. Read stuff that shall assist in your growth potential.

V. Do Not Buy Junk!!!

You work hard for your monies. Be creative and thoughtfully disciplined with the funds you have and generate. These funds can be active or passive incomes.

A) Buy Assets that will help and facilitate your Growth Mind Set.

?????e.g. Stocks or ETF’S (Electronically Traded Funds). These Funds trade as a stock because they have no Debt-Laden sections with it. It is just a basket of X amount stocks. (Ask you financial planner for more information on ETF’s and investing in general).

You are spreading the risk over the basket of stocks; not just one stock. The idea with this is you build wealth with the basket which pays little in dividends. Great for you taxable account.


B) Do not waste your monies on

???????1) Frivolous Fatty shit: candies, cookies or snacks.

???????2) Products you do not need. Five (5) of the same book.


C) Keep that hard earned: active or passive incomes You worked for.


D) Do not let it create a whole in your mind and pocket. Put the extra funds you have generated in a separate taxable account. Your future self will thank you for it.?


VI. Monies or No Monies

?A) Will having lots of money make you a Tight Wade Miser. I hope not.

?B) What would you do with a lot of monies?

???????1) Would you Invest it to make more assets.

???????2) Work harder to keep it through Disciplining Thyself to keep it.

???????3) Give selflessly to others through volunteering and donating your

???????????????time to charitable works


?C) Would you be free with your money and spend it all? If this happens you will be “Picking Shit with the Chickens.” That is a very smelly and not a great place to be.


VII. Being A Proactive: Thinker and Worker

Always Remember, You must always must be “a thinking thing that thinks.” Never forget this statement.


A) Always be thinking about your job and your dreams outside of work. Never Stop thinking about them; EVER!!!!!

B) How can I be a more Valuable Productive Worker?

Always be thinking, how I can effectively do my job better today then I did Yesterday.

C) How can I be a better person today? By Thinking Everyday

D) How can help others help themselves? Teach them to do their job more efficiently.


The most successful people I know are always thinking and asking questions of themselves and others. They communicate with others. They have a network that is well defined.


VIII. Keep Going and Never Give Up

A) When we fall; get up again. It’s that simple.

B) Keep going even if you are down. Just do not give up.

C) You can be like Rocky Balboa. Mr. Balboa was knocked down, beaten Up and never-gave-up. When you fall and are going through hell just keep going and keep pushing. That is what this author does.


In Summary

This copy came about from a compilation of: videos of Donald J. Trump and Warren Buffet and also the authors own thoughts on this subject. Hope you had fun reading it. Keep watching for more postings on LinkedIn and Other Media Sites by Matthew J. Gaydos.

Works Cited,ever%20feeling%20a%20little%20lonely%20or...%20More%20





