Steps to build a?Startup? (Case for AI)
Step 1 List Personal Problems
Step 2 Market Research (competing products)
Step 3 Buy Domain (in case of a website)
Step 4 Create Landing Page
Step 5 Share Landing Page
Step 6 Create Business Plan
Step 7 Design Pipeline
Step 8 Create Web App
Step 9 Deploy!
Step 1— List Personal Problems
The start is your next start up idea (very kind of basic way to think about)
The first step is going to be: find a problem that (we) actually care about. What we can do is frame it like this:
1.There are problems that you care about.
2. There are passions you have.
3. There are strengths that you have.
1.Write down what your strengths are.
2. Write down what your passions are.
3. Write down what the problems you care about.
Look the intersection of those three.
Japanese have codified this more than one hundred years ago.
What you love, what you’re good at, what you can be paid for, what the world needsand that the intersection of all of those four things.
My 3 passions (human enhancement)
Healthcare — Physical Enhancement via AI
Education — Intellectual Enhancement via AI
Scientific Research — Increasing human knowledge of this reality
Thought exercise
1) Hey, this problem sucks!
2) How many people have this problem?
3) How many other ways are there to solve it or live with it?
4) What would it cost to offer a solution?
5) How does the cost compare with the “pain” of the problem, and the cost of other options (including ‘doing nothing’!)?
Still can’t find a problem you’re passionate about?
Live abroad for at least a month (increase training data via new culture, values, language, perspectives)
Step 2 — Market Research (Specific case: AI)
AI can do so much! This is a subset of possibilities
If we look at the field of AI in healthcare we know that this is something we can do right “input-output” simple: input-output pattern recognition.
Competitor Landscape
Step 3— Buy Domain
- Go to
- Find an unused domain name (don’t buy an existing one, not worth it)
- Buy it!
Order of Preference
- .com
- .ai
Step 4 — Create Landing Page andStep 5 — Share Landing Page
- Reach out to Social Networks to see if we get any signups
Step 6 — Create Business Plan
- Step 1 — Get 25 signups
- Step 2 — Create SaaS
- Step 3 — Convert signups to paid clients
- Step 4 — Collect feedback
- Step 5 — Improve app using feedback
- Step 6 — Collect 100 more paid clients
- Step 7 — Repeat Steps 4–6 until I hit a scaling limit
- Step 8 — Make 2 hires (full stack engineer, sales)
- Step 9 — Create more generalized offering
- Step 10 — Raise a first round
- Step 11 — Hire a larger team
- Step 12 — Profit
- Step 13 — Exit Strategy (Google buys us out)
Step 7 — Design Pipeline
Features we need:
- User Authentication (SQL)
- Database (SQL)
- Payment (Stripe)
- Uploads (Flask native)
- Inference (Keras)
- Authentication + Database + Payment functionality
- Upload functionality
- Inference? Keras
Step 8— Write Web App
Step 9— Deploy!
- Mobile app?
- Better Design?