Jack Dillon
Golf Industry Expert, Consultant, Speaker. Creating Successful Change for People. Host of the Golf Biz Zoom. Author (3rd Book--Journey--coming soon), and Lead Blogger at Urgency Matters.
This space has spent a great deal of thought around the gig economy, especially for people over 55. Today this space will talk about ways to find a better work life for those out of work, underemployed or just sick of doing what they are doing. We spend so much of our lives in and about work. The 40 hour thing is not the time we invest. Our work life is about so much more. Many people seem to undersell their commitments around work. I suggest here that we should always be mindful of our total investment. It is vital however, to invest in the things that will pay off for you. Here are some steps to think about:
1) learn all you can about your industry, your company and their competition
2) always be willing to take an interview where you sense an interesting opportunity. Interviews are important for several reasons including the need to present well
3) continue to read about your industry in trade magazines. There will be many areas on the internet where you will find detailed information
4) work to continually update your skills. We all age while others are coming up behind. It is important to show your organization that you are a strong investment today and for the future
5) develop your communication skills. Join Toastmasters or find Dale Carnegie and a speaking class. These organizations will teach you speaking, listening skills as well as how to better think on your feet. All of these lead to great confidence at work (and in life)
We are in a new age. One filled with techology, speed, and at times confusion. Slow your world down each week, long enough to think while in your quiet space. Try to get a part of each day/night to be alone with your thoughts. Think time is a true improvement resource. Fight for it, use it and cherish it. Spend the time to think, to plan, and to try things not in your zone of comfort. The goal can be to celebrate your work, make a solid living and enjoy the day and the people you work with on the team. I believe this is not pie in the sky thinking. What say you?