Stepping Up to Your Potential
Do you ever wake up and ask yourself if you’re doing everything you can to fulfil your ambitions? Are there moments when you suspect that there might be something missing in your daily efforts to achieve success? Take a moment right now to ask yourself if you’re really doing everything you can to live up to your potential. Or are you getting by with less effort, less commitment and less belief than you’re capable of producing?
These are important issues to consider because you might suspect that success is a question of luck and that you’ll make it at some point in the future according to the roll of the dice or the hand of fate. But luck is a rare and unpredictable commodity to seek as your primary resource for achieving anything worthwhile.
In fact, nothing beats consistent effort in the quest for success.
So, the question today is to determine whether you’re willing to do whatever it takes in order to make your dreams a reality.
The deeper issue is to understand that most people quit long before they’ve reached the point of exhaustion. This applies to any activity, whether it’s physical, mental or emotional. There’s an unwritten line in our hearts and minds that tells us we’ve gone far enough when we’ve barely expended half of our energy. That’s the point that tests our commitment to our goals. That’s the critical moment when we give up and decide that the quest is too tough. That's when we abandon the pathway to success because it seems too steep, too rocky, too uncomfortable or just too hard to justify all the effort. And that’s why so few people achieve their goals. It isn’t a question of setting unachievable objectives. It’s a question of where we set the limits to our comfort zone.
I’m pleading with you today to ignore these self-imposed limitations and push on. Take a deep breath and know you have plenty of power in reserve to carry you beyond the difficulties and discomfort. Don’t quit. Most of the pain is psychological. Focus on your goals. See yourself crossing the finishing line in style. Raise your arms and punch the air in triumph. Be unstoppable. And honour your goals and dreams with all the effort you can muster.