Stepping up and turning this global energy crisis into a global energy opportunity.
Since the turn of the century massive strides have been made with regard to the transition to renewable energy, with some countries in 2016, like Finland and Denmark having surplus energy. However, by the end of the pandemic in 2021 a global energy crisis began, with much of the globe facing shortages and increased prices in oil, gas and electricity markets. There were a number of factors involved in the cause of the crisis. Many economic factors including post-pandemic economic rebound that couldn't meet the energy supply needs. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the price of natural gas reached record highs, and as a result, so did electricity in many markets. Economic factors aside, climate change also started to make its effect felt on renewable energy the world over. In 2021, Brazil, which relies on hydropower for two-thirds of its electricity, had its electricity supply threatened by the worst drought in almost a century. Europe's driest summer in 500 years had major consequences for power plant cooling systems and hydropower generation in 2022. Record droughts in China and America also had a major negative impact on hydropower generation. To compound issues further, food prices increased steeply as Covid lockdowns were lifted and rose even higher following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Increasing energy prices are pushing agricultural costs higher, contributing to increased food prices worldwide. The agriculture and food industries use energy for various purposes.
?Electricity for automated water irrigation, fuel consumption for farm machinery and energy required at various stages of food processing, packaging, transportation and distribution accounts for most of the direct energy use. Given the evident need to put less strain on the various power grids, and climate change having a negative impact on some renewable energy sources, solar finds itself being one of the more reliable of the renewable energy sources, D.light prides itself on not only having provided solar solutions to well over?160 million people, but endeavouring to provide it to many millions more and helping people and communities empower themselves while being part of the ongoing solution to the globe’s current energy woes. Join us and embark on the beginning of your journey as an agent of change.