Stepping Up to SID
Stepping up to the role of senior independent director (SID) is a hot topic among our global Board Community at Criticaleye. It’s a highly influential position and has been a core feature of the Boards of UK publicly listed companies since it was recommended in the Higgs Review back in 2003 after a spate of corporate governance failures in the UK.??
An effective SID acts as a sounding board for the Chair, an intermediary for other directors, and – in certain circumstances – with shareholders. It’s a role that carries a lot of responsibility, ensuring a Board achieves high levels of performance and maintains strong governance and accountability. For some, it can pave the way to the role of Chair.?
Here are a few of the core responsibilities of a SID:??
- Holding the Chair to Account: A good SID will ensure the Chair’s leadership and behaviours align with the organisation’s values and objectives. Of course, this extends to other members of the Board??
- Chair Succession: The SID might be tasked with leading an orderly succession process when recruiting a new Chair through the Nominations Committee (NomCo)?
- Chair Evaluation: An annual meeting with NEDs will be held by the SID to evaluate the Chair’s performance. There may also be a more informal, half-yearly meeting as well??
- Being a Trusted Advisor: The SID acts as another point of contact for Board members, providing a safe space for concerns and discussions that may not be addressed openly within the Board?
- Crisis Management: When Boards are in crisis or under duress, a SID will be expected to provide support. On occasion, this may effectively mean taking over temporarily as Chair??
- Integrity: A SID cannot be successful without trust. Given this, they should possess a high degree of emotional intelligence to handle sensitive information and relationships??
It should be noted, the SID’s role is shaped in collaboration with the Chair; it’s essential to understand what is expected without undermining the Chair’s authority. This involves being observant, listening carefully and providing guidance to support and constructively challenge when needed.??
Ultimately, it is crucial for a SID to have a clear grasp of their responsibilities and to act in a manner that supports the Board and business objectives. The SID should adapt to the Board’s dynamics, understanding how best to interact with different members and the Chair, while adhering to best practice in terms of both governance, values and purpose. Strong interpersonal skills are vital, allowing the SID needs to anticipate potential issues and address them proactively.?
Commenting on the current landscape for SIDs, Justin Kennedy-Payne , Business Development Manager – Board Practice, Criticaleye said:?
“In recent years, the SID has become an integral player on any Plc Board wanting to achieve high performance. It falls on the SID to both support and challenge the Chair in their duties, through informal discussions and a formal annual evaluation. They are also there to help non-executive directors, identifying any concerns or frustrations within the Boardroom. For many, the transition to SID is now a natural step for anyone who holds aspirations to one day become a full Chair. We support our NED Members on this journey, helping them to step up and be successful as a SID, and prepare them for the potential to move to the role of Chair through our Chair Ready Programme.�
Criticaleye supports Board members transitioning into the Senior Independent Director role by providing tailored leadership development services. Through mentoring, connecting with peers and expert advice, Criticaleye helps SIDs build the skills needed to navigate Board dynamics, manage governance issues, and offer independent counsel effectively. Our Chair Ready Programme is one part of this supportive network, equipping SIDs with the confidence and skills needed to step into the Chair’s role when duty calls. Find out more about how we can support your journey to SID here.?