Stepping Stones
Alexandra Baraitser
Artist / Freelance Curator Next project: Curating at The Lido Stores Gallery, Margate March 2025 #painting #curating #networking
Making new connections and contacts in the art world is a bit like taking small prancing steps on stepping stones across a dangerous river. One may be poised to jump and you might be currently quite still, but there's the anticipation of exciting moments to come and movement in the right direction.
If each stone is a new opportunity then one can lead to another. This is what I call 'progress'. Take 'irons in the fire': Friends of mine who tell me that they have lots of 'irons in the fire' are doing well with out achieving anything. Every year I try to have lots of potential ideas or projects on the go so that hopefully one will come to fruition. I was very good at this in the late 90s as in one particular year I applied for nearly 50 opportunities and won the Prix de Rome (The British School at Rome), got selected for The NatWest Art Prize, The John Moores Painting Prize (19) and shortlisted for The Momart Fellowship. This was all applied for by sending slides and paper forms in the post, so you can imagine the hours I put in.
Nowadays I find it hard to motivate myself to apply to the array of 'Open Call' opportunities available online. They are simply overwhelming and expensive.
However applying for 'open calls' is a good way of adding an iron or two, and needs must. This month I have got through to the second round of judging for the Fresh Legs exhibition at Galleri Heike Arndt DK - Berlin.
I also recommend sending in proposals for group curated shows (most of my exhibition opportunities since 2018 have been through curating my own themed exhibitions). It's another good way to meet gallery owners and curators.
Just keep adding more stepping stones. Hopefully your feet won't get wet and you will make 'progress'.