STEPPING STONES 11/30/15 By A.A. BOMANI Talent Management Firm

STEPPING STONES 11/30/15 By A.A. BOMANI Talent Management Firm

Volume 1, Issue 6, November 30, 2015

In this issue...

Public Service Announcements

Quote Of The Week: Ida b. Wells

Book Of The Month: “Power Shift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century” By Alvin Toffler

IT’S YOUR Health: Obesity

Historical Fact Of The Week: African Americans; Part VI

Editorial Commentary: Coming soon!


Public Service Announcements

  • The rechartering for The Head Cornerstone Corporation in the State Of Delaware as well as all updated business licenses and associated issues are forth coming pending litigation. Thank you.
  • Visit at your earliest convenience so that you may be informed of basic protective measures before, during, and after disasters/emergencies, learn disaster prepared activities, training, plans, and what shelters are in or near your community, develop an emergency plan for yourself and your family in the event of an actual disaster/emergency, build an disaster/emergency supply kit including a basic emergency medical/trauma bag in case of an event, and GET INVOLVED!
  • Get your CPR (Cardio-Pulomonary Resuscitation) and Basic First Aid/First Responder/Basic Life Support including child birth and Emergency Pediatric Care training today. Check with the American Heart Association at for locations. It may just save a life.
  •  It’s a lot of fun and excitement, it’s healthy, it’s a great family activity, and it’s very practical. Find a course in self defense for you and your loved ones and learn to protect yourselves. You just never know.
  •  We have the constitutional right to BEAR ARMS and many states have the CCW (Conceal Carry Weapon) License for when you and your loved ones are outside of your home environment. Search the web for free information concerning the Conceal Carry Laws as well as other valuable information. Get the CCW License today (where applicable) for you and your family members of age and LEARN HOW TO SHOOT. You’ll feel better that you did.
  •  WATER; it’s very essential for normal body functions and not only carries nutrients to your cells, but flushes out the toxins in are bodies that lead to diseases such as cancers, diabetes, and heart diseases. According to the Mayo Clinic and the Institute of Health, water consumption varies for each person depending on many factors associated with life styles, such as current health, activities, and where you live. Be informed about what your daily intake should be and “drink up”. It will make YOUR world a better place.

 Public Service Announcements

are brought to you by



“SOUTHERN FUNK”: A new music genre sub-group consisting of very well blended and varying combinations of Classical, Traditional, Contemporary, and Acid Jazz, Memphis and Deep Soul, Southern Gospel/Spiritual, Acoustic, House, Ambient, Delta Blues, and Funk with the distinctive bass on the 3rd chord. Created during the early 2000’s at Muddy Waters studio in Memphis, Tenn. by George. Have a taste at

 and pick up the debut single,

 “I Want To Know”


 “Volume I George”

 when it drops!

 “Taste my funk (smile).”


Follow George on Twitter:



  "Strictly business for serious business minds…".



“The lesson this teaches and which every Afro-American should ponder well, is that a Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home, and it should be used for that protection which the law refuses to give. When the white man who is always the aggressor knows he runs as great a risk of biting the dust every time his Afro-American victim does, he will have greater respect for Afro-American life. The more the Afro-American yields and cringes and begs, the more he has to do so, the more he is insulted, outraged and lynched.”

 "Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases" (1892)

 Ida Bell Wells-Barnett

July 16, 1862 – March 25, 1931

More commonly known as Ida B. Wells, was an African American journalist, newspaper editor, suffragist, sociologist, Georgist, and an early leader in the Civil Rights Movement. She documented lynching in the United States, showing that it was often used as a way to control or punish African Americans who competed with Caucasian Americans, rather than being based on criminal acts by African Americans, as was usually claimed by Caucasian American mobs. She was active in women's rights and the women's suffrage movement, establishing several notable women's organizations. Wells was a skilled and persuasive rhetorician and traveled internationally on lecture tours.



“Power Shift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century”

By Alvin Toffler

ISBN-10: 055318086X

ISBN-13: 978-0553292152




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. In Western countries, people are considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, exceeds 30 kg/m2, with the range 25-30 kg/m2 defined as overweight. Some East Asian countries use stricter criteria.

Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food energy intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility, although a few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications, or psychiatric illness. Evidence to support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited. On average, obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their thin counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass.

Dieting and exercising are the main treatments for obesity. Diet quality can be improved by reducing the consumption of energy-dense foods, such as those high in fat and sugars, and by increasing the intake of dietary fiber. With a suitable diet, anti-obesity drugs may be taken to reduce appetite or decrease fat absorption. If diet, exercise, and medication are not effective, a gastric balloon may assist with weight loss, or surgery may be performed to reduce stomach volume and/or bowel length, leading to feeling full earlier and a reduced ability to absorb nutrients from food.

Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing rates in adults and children. Authorities view it as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century. Obesity is stigmatized in much of the modern world (particularly in the Western world), though it was widely seen as a symbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history and still is in some parts of the world. In 2013, the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease.





"A People Of The Many Descendants Of Afrika”

Part VI

Reconstruction II

Reconstruction addressed how the eleven seceding states would regain self-government and be reseated in Congress, the civil status of the former leaders of the Confederacy, and the Constitutional and legal status of freedmen, especially their civil rights and whether they should be given the right to vote. Violent controversy erupted throughout the South over these issues.

The laws and constitutional amendments that laid the foundation for the most radical phase of Reconstruction were adopted from 1866 to 1871. By the 1870s, Reconstruction had officially provided freedmen with equal rights under the constitution, and African Americans were voting and taking political office. Republican legislatures, coalitions of Caucasian and African Americans, established the first public school systems and numerous charitable institutions in the South. Beginning in 1874, however, there was a rise in Caucasian American paramilitary organizations, such as the White League and Red Shirts in the Deep South, whose political aim was to drive out the Republicans. They also disrupted political organizing and terrorized African Americans to bar them from the polls in Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina. From 1873 to 1877, conservative Caucasian American Democrats (calling themselves "Redeemers") regained power in the states.

In the 1860s and 1870s the terms "radical" and "conservative" had distinctive meanings. "Conservatism" in this context generally indicates the mindset of the ruling elite of the planter class. Many leaders who had been Whigs were committed to modernization. Most of the "radical" Republicans in the North were men who believed in free enterprise and industrialization; most were also modernizers and former Whigs. The "Liberal Republicans" of 1872 shared the same outlook except they were especially opposed to the corruption they saw around President Grant, and believed that the goals had been achieved so that the federal intervention could now end.

Passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments is the constitutional legacy of Reconstruction. These Reconstruction Amendments established the rights that, through extensive litigation, led to Supreme Court rulings starting in the early 20th century that struck down discriminatory state laws. A "Second Reconstruction", sparked by the Civil Rights Movement, led to civil rights laws in 1964 and 1965 that protected and enforced full civic rights of African Americans.

Reconstruction played out against a backdrop of a once prosperous economy in ruins. The Confederacy in 1861 had 297 towns and cities with a combined population of 835,000; of these, 162 locations with 681,000 total residents were at one point occupied by Union forces. Eleven were destroyed or severely damaged by war action, including Atlanta, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Columbia, South Carolina; and Richmond, Virginia; these eleven contained 115,900 people in the 1860 census, or 14% of the urban South. The number of people who lived in the destroyed towns represented just over 1% of the Confederacy's combined urban and rural populations. In addition, 45 courthouses were burned (out of 830), destroying the documentation for the legal relationships in the affected communities. Farms were in disrepair, and the prewar stock of horses, mules and cattle was much depleted; two-fifths of the South's livestock had been killed. The South's farms were not highly mechanized, but the value of farm implements and machinery in the 1860 Census was $81 million and was reduced by 40% by 1870. The transportation infrastructure lay in ruins, with little railroad or riverboat service available to move crops and animals to market. Railroad mileage was located mostly in rural areas and over two-thirds of the South's rails, bridges, rail yards, repair shops and rolling stock were in areas reached by Union armies, which systematically destroyed what they could. Even in untouched areas, the lack of maintenance and repair, the absence of new equipment, the heavy over-use, and the deliberate relocation of equipment by the Confederates from remote areas to the war zone ensured the system would be ruined at war's end. Restoring the infrastructure — especially the railroad system — became a high priority for Reconstruction state governments.

The enormous cost of the Confederate war effort took a high toll on the South's economic infrastructure. The direct costs to the Confederacy in human capital, government expenditures, and physical destruction from the war totaled $3.3 billion. By 1865, the Confederate dollar was worthless due to massive inflation, and people in the South had to resort to bartering services for goods, or else use scarce Union dollars. With the emancipation of the southern slaves, the entire economy of the South had to be rebuilt. Having lost their enormous investment in slaves, Caucasian American planters had minimal capital to pay freedmen workers to bring in crops. As a result, a system of sharecropping was developed where landowners broke up large plantations and rented small lots to the freedmen and their families. The South was transformed from a prosperous minority of landed gentry slaveholders into a tenant farming agriculture system.

The end of the Civil War was accompanied by a large migration of new freed people to the cities. In the cities, African Americans were relegated to the lowest paying jobs such as unskilled and service labor. Men worked as rail workers, rolling and lumber mills workers, and hotels workers. The large population of slave artisans during the antebellum period had not been translated into a large number of freemen artisans during Reconstruction. African American women were largely confined to domestic work employed as cooks, maids, and child nurses. Others worked in hotels. A large number became laundresses.

Over a quarter of Southern Caucasian American men of military age — meaning the backbone of the South's Caucasian American workforce — died during the war, leaving countless families destitute. Per capita income for Caucasian American southerners declined from $125 in 1857 to a low of $80 in 1879. By the end of the 19th century and well into the 20th century, the South was locked into a system of poverty. How much of this failure was caused by the war and by previous reliance on agriculture remains the subject of debate among economists and historians.

During the Civil War, the Radical Republican leaders argued that slavery and the Slave Power had to be permanently destroyed, and that all forms of Confederate nationalism had to be suppressed. Moderates said this could be easily accomplished as soon as Confederate armies surrendered and the Southern states repealed secession and accepted the 13th Amendment – most of which happened by December 1865.

President Lincoln was the leader of the moderate Republicans and wanted to speed up Reconstruction and reunite the nation painlessly and quickly. Lincoln formally began Reconstruction in late 1863 with his Ten percent plan, which went into operation in several states but which Radical Republicans opposed. Lincoln pocket vetoed the Radical plan, the Wade–Davis Bill of 1864, which was much more strict than the Ten-Percent Plan.

The opposing faction of Radical Republicans was skeptical of Southern intentions and demanded stringent federal action. Congressman Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania and Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts led the Radicals. Sumner argued that secession had destroyed statehood but the Constitution still extended its authority and its protection over individuals, as in existing U.S. territories. Thaddeus Stevens and his followers viewed secession as having left the states in a status like new territories. The Republicans sought to prevent Southern politicians from "restoring the historic subordination of Negroes". Since slavery was abolished, the three-fifths compromise no longer applied to counting the population of African Americans. After the 1870 census, the South would gain numerous additional representatives in Congress, based on the population of freedmen. One Illinois Republican expressed a common fear that if the South were allowed to simply restore its previous established powers, that the "reward of treason will be an increased representation".

Upon Lincoln's assassination in April 1865, Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, who had been elected with Lincoln in 1864 as the latter's vice president, became president. Johnson rejected the Radical program of harsh, lengthy Reconstruction and instead appointed his own governors and tried to finish reconstruction by the end of 1865. Thaddeus Stevens vehemently opposed President Johnson's plans for an abrupt end to Reconstruction, insisting that Reconstruction must

"revolutionize Southern institutions, habits, and manners… The foundations of their institutions… must be broken up and relaid, or all our blood and treasure have been spent in vain."

By early 1866, full-scale political warfare existed between Johnson (now allied with the Democrats) and the Radical Republicans; he vetoed laws and issued orders that contradicted Congressional legislation.

Congress rejected Johnson's argument that he had the war power to decide what to do, since the war was over. Congress decided it had the primary authority to decide how Reconstruction should proceed, because the Constitution stated the United States had to guarantee each state a republican form of government. The Radicals insisted that meant Congress decided how Reconstruction should be achieved. The issues were multiple: who should decide, Congress or the president? How should republicanism operate in the South? What was the status of the Confederate states? What was the citizenship status of men who had supported the Confederacy? What was the citizenship and suffrage status of freedmen?

The election of 1866 decisively changed the balance of power, giving the Republicans two-thirds majorities in both houses of Congress, and enough votes to overcome Johnson's vetoes. They moved to impeach Johnson because of his constant attempts to thwart Radical Reconstruction measures, by using the Tenure of Office Act. Johnson was acquitted by one vote, but he lost the influence to shape Reconstruction policy.

The Republican Congress established military districts in the South and used Army personnel to administer the region until new governments loyal to the Union could be established. Congress temporarily suspended the ability to vote of approximately 10,000 to 15,000 Caucasian American men who had been Confederate officials or senior officers, while constitutional amendments gave full citizenship and suffrage to former slaves.

With the power to vote, freedmen started participating in politics. While many slaves were illiterate, educated African Americans (including escaped slaves) moved down from the North to aid them, and natural leaders also stepped forward. They elected Caucasian and African American men to represent them in constitutional conventions. A Republican coalition of freedmen, southerners supportive of the Union (derisively called scalawags by Caucasian American Democrats), and northerners who had migrated to the South (derisively called carpetbaggers) — some of whom were returning natives, but were mostly Union veterans -, organized to create constitutional conventions. They created new state constitutions to set new directions for southern states.

The issue of loyalty emerged in the debates over the Wade–Davis Bill of 1864. The bill required voters to take the "ironclad oath", swearing they had never supported the Confederacy or been one of its soldiers. Pursuing a policy of "malice toward none" announced in his second inaugural address, Lincoln asked voters only to support the Union. The Radicals lost support following Lincoln's veto of the Wade–Davis Bill but regained strength after Lincoln's assassination in April 1865.

Congress had to consider how to restore to full status and representation within the Union those southern states that had declared their independence from the United States and had withdrawn their representation. Suffrage for former Confederates was one of two main concerns. A decision needed to be made whether to allow just some or all former Confederates to vote (and to hold office). The moderates wanted virtually all of them to vote, but the Radicals resisted. They repeatedly tried to impose the ironclad oath, which would effectively have allowed no former Confederates to vote. Radical Republican leader Thaddeus Stevens proposed, unsuccessfully, that all former Confederates lose the right to vote for five years. The compromise that was reached disenfranchised many former Confederate civil and military leaders. No one knows how many temporarily lost the vote, but one estimate was 10,000 to 15,000.

Second, and closely related, was the issue of whether freedmen should be allowed to vote. The issue was how to receive the four million former slaves as citizens. If they were to be fully counted as citizens, some sort of representation for apportionment of seats in Congress had to be determined. Before the war, the population of slaves had been counted as three-fifths of a comparable number of free Caucasian Americans. By having four million freedmen counted as full citizens, the South would gain additional seats in Congress. If African Americans were denied the vote and the right to hold office, then only Caucasians would represent them. Many conservatives, including most Caucasian southerners, northern Democrats, and some northern Republicans, opposed African American voting. Some northern states that had referenda on the subject limited the ability of their own small populations of African American to vote.

Lincoln had supported a middle position to allow some African American men to vote, especially army veterans. Johnson also believed that such service should be rewarded with citizenship. Lincoln proposed giving the vote to "the very intelligent, and especially those who have fought gallantly in our ranks." In 1864, Governor Johnson said, "The better class of them will go to work and sustain themselves, and that class ought to be allowed to vote, on the ground that a loyal negro is more worthy than a disloyal white man." As President in 1865, Johnson wrote to the man he appointed as governor of Mississippi, recommending,

"If you could extend the elective franchise to all persons of color who can read the Constitution in English and write their names, and to all persons of color who own real estate valued at least two hundred and fifty dollars, and pay taxes thereon, you would completely disarm the adversary [Radicals in Congress], and set an example the other states will follow."

Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens, leaders of the Radical Republicans, were initially hesitant to enfranchise the largely illiterate former slave population. Sumner preferred at first impartial requirements that would have imposed literacy restrictions on African and Caucasian Americans. He believed that he would not succeed in passing legislation to disenfranchise illiterate Caucasian Americans who already had the vote.

In the South, many poor Caucasian Americans were illiterate as there was almost no public education before the war. In 1880, for example, the Caucasian American illiteracy rate was about 25% in Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia; and as high as 33% in North Carolina. This compares with the 9% national rate, and an African American rate of illiteracy that was over 70% in the South. By 1900, however, with emphasis within the African American community on education, the majority of African Americans had achieved literacy.

Sumner soon concluded that "there was no substantial protection for the freedman except in the franchise." This was necessary, he stated, "(1) For his own protection; (2) For the protection of the white Unionist; and (3) For the peace of the country. We put the musket in his hands because it was necessary; for the same reason we must give him the franchise."


 Part VI in the next “STEPPING STONES”

 “...the truth shall set you free”


(Email [email protected] to get “plugged in”!)



(A Delaware Corporation) 


 Duties will include, but, not be limited to;

Assist Executive with daily duties to enhance overall effectiveness, performs all office  administrative activities, prepares presentations and reports, disseminates information, schedules/maintains appointments, maintains file system, project manager, coordinates all travel arrangements, liaison for company employees/clients, liaison for Board of Directors, arranges conference/tele-conference calls, researches, collects, and analyzes information, maintains daily reports, personal errands, and must  be available to travel extensively.

 Must have;

A BA or some college in administrative or business management preferred. Working as an assistant or in an administrative related field will be helpful. Career oriented, thorough knowledge of computers, office equipment, and various office and business management software applications including executive schedule management, excellent interpersonal communications skills (to include conflict management/resolution, interviewing, negotiating, networking, problem solving, teamwork, etc.), knowledge of public relations helpful, knowledge of security helpful, highly proficient at (typing, spelling, punctuation, grammar) written and oral communication, good short hand skills, knowledge of graphics and production, very tactful, knowledgeable of corporate operations is helpful, management skills, congenial, excellent discretion and judgment, highly organized, very detail oriented, very good initiative, work very well under pressure, adaptable, very versatile, multitasking, some bookkeeping required, very good time management skills, assertive, highly self-motivated, very energetic, proficient speaking, reading, and writing of a second language required, but will allow if currently studying (French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Arabic, Mandarin, etc.). Able to participate in physical training on a regular basis (fitness and self-defense courses).

 All interested persons, please, forward cover letters and resumes, to include

salary requirements and 8 x 10 photo (waist up) to [email protected].



 Duties will include, but, not be limited to;

Develops and coordinates personnel programs and policies, oversees all departments for which organization is responsible, develops and oversees company training programs, devise policies for fair and equitable pay rates, ensure that firm’s scale complies with changing laws and regulations, oversees performance evaluation program, oversees company reward systems, manages all of company’s employees’ benefits programs,

stays abreast of all federal and state legislation that may affect employee benefits, identify and assess training needs of company, develop, plan, and direct all company employee training programs, conduct orientation and on-the-job training for new employees, forms labor policy, oversees labor relations, negotiates collective bargaining agreements, coordinates grievance procedures to handle complaints resulting from disputes with unionized employees, oversees all client/employee match up and placements, screen, interview, and some cases, test applicants, investigate and resolve issues and grievances, examine corporate practices for possible violations, compile and submit EEO statistical reports, develop and maintain working relationship with local public employment programs and services, collect and examine detailed information about job duties to prepare job descriptions, study the effects of industry and occupational trends upon worker relationships, responsible for a wide array of programs covering occupational safety, health standards, and practices, maintains company’s employee mental and physical health and fitness programs as well as recreational activities, over sees medical examinations, maintains company’s carpooling and transportation programs,

maintains employee suggestion program, maintains company employees’ childcare/elderly care programs, maintains company employees’ counseling services, manages human resources issues related to a company’s foreign operations.

 Must have;

At least a BA, but Masters and above is preferred in administrative or business management or related. Knowledgeable of personnel programs, policy management, employment, compensation, benefits, training and development, employee relations, and continual educational programs. Enthusiastic, aptitude for business, knowledge of computers and various software applications, excellent interpersonal communications skills (to include conflict management), highly proficient at (typing, spelling, punctuation, grammar) written and oral communication, very tactful, knowledgeable of employment agency industry, management skills, congenial, excellent discretion and judgment, very good organizational skills, very good initiative, adaptable, very versatile, very good time management skills, assertive, highly self-motivated, analytical, detail oriented, decisive, multitasking, career oriented, knowledge of public relations helpful, knowledge of security helpful, knowledge of graphics and production, very tactful, knowledgeable of corporate operations is helpful, excellent management skills, work very well under pressure, some bookkeeping required, very good time management skills, assertive, highly self-motivated, very energetic, proficient speaking, reading, and writing of a second language required, but will allow if currently studying (French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Arabic, Mandarin, etc.). Able to participate in physical training on a regular basis (fitness and self-defense courses).

 All interested persons, please, forward cover letters and resumes, to include career objectives and salary requirements and 8 x 10 photo (waist up) to [email protected].


 Now recruiting for ALL POSITIONS.

We are looking for;

 Very talented

Very serious

Career oriented




College graduates and/or currently active students

Progressive minded

And Personable People


Are enthusiastic

Enjoy challenges

Possess an aptitude for business

Work best under pressure

Can travel extensively (required for some positions)

Are very organized and detail oriented

And have excellent communication skills (oral and literal)

For a very fast paced,

very mature,

and very exciting environment and a very rewarding experience.

Compensation will include;

Industry competitive salaries

Four (4) weeks paid vacation

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Aggressive training programs

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Progressive Retirement Plans

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Tuition reimbursement

Childcare/Elderly Care assistance

As well as many others

All interested persons, please, forward cover letters and resumes, to include salary requirements and 8 x 10 glossy, to [email protected]

Thank you.

Akil A. Bomani

President, CEO

The Head Cornerstone Corp.

(A Delaware Corporation)


Coming soon!!


 Complete with lectures, workshops, Power Point Presentations, resource acquisition and allocation management, progressive community activism training, progressive youth developmental programs, progressive business plan development programs, crime suppression program development, administration management, and lots of other “goodies for you…

 …find your community leader and let them know to “get on board this train”.

 Brought to you By

 “Get Your Mind Right” Productions

 A Company of


 “Marketing from the roots…”


Please, email [email protected] for all inquiries

 "Strictly business for serious business minds…"


It Is On!!!

Email George at [email protected] and get


 To the “Quote of the Week”,

Relevant and insightful commentaries of today’s “real world” issues,

Upcoming performances and releases by Stone Records’ artist(s), the latest news and events…

 Join the fan list at

Where you may also


 “I Want To Know”

 As well as “To Love And Be Loved”, “Let’s Take Our Time”, “A Friend In You”, “Believe in You” as well as several others on the release of the long anticipated debut album,

 “Volume I George”

By the soulfully sultry and smooth balladeer,



 “The Memphis Step”

 the debut single from the album,


 Also, “Summertime”, “Early Morning”, “Love In Thunder”, “Monday Hustle”, and others

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 plus several contemporary soul gospel, hip hop, and urban projects beginning in 2015!! Stone Records is “…music for the soul” and we have come to get it on, baby!!


Join the email lists: the balladeer


“For we have come to get it on, baby…”


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