Stepping on the sacred ground of a democracy, one must tread in resolve to follow the pledges of a people whose sovereign is of Divine designation.

Are the sovereign leaders of the democracies in contemporary societies truly representative of the Divine Presence in terms of their abilities to lead, their powers to make decisions for their constituencies of the most noble efficacy, and their unquestionably august abilities to determine the best possible outcome for future generations? What gauges can be employed to assess and then evaluate the arenas of success in the quality of our leading democratic leaders nowadays? Please consider the following quotation as a base declaration for a leader who represents the people, the Divine Presence, and the future of the humanity in his dominion:

"A tiger does not shout its tigritude, it acts."--Wole Soyinka

It is the humanity in our leaders which represents their ability to rule justly according to their own dictates on the one hand and the dictates of their fellow citizens on the other. This read by Richard Tuck should furnish a driving debate among those of you who live in democratic milieus. (Notice I did not say societies, because I would rather doubt that any whole polity on this earth is fully democratic for its entire constituency.)



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