Stepping back is a refreshing way to move forward
It’s okay to step back.
If you feel like you have too much on your plate, it’s okay to not deal with everything at once.
I’m saying this as someone who has too many interests.
Even if these interests are related to each other, I don’t have to spend time now for all of them.
Notice the “now.”
It’s a keyword.
I can spend time for all of my interests—just not now.
Later, then.
Because in order to actually enjoy all of my interests, I may need to take on them one by one.
Some of these interests are energy-intensive.
They also need focus.
And if I’m handling too many things at once, that’s obviously being out of focus.
Now, if you’re in a similar situation, I’m just going to say that it’s okay.
I mean, no one is your boss when it comes to choices.
You are free to decide.
Which things do you think or feel you need to let go for now?
At least for me, I thought through pausing the audio production stuff.
I like it a lot, but it requires much time.
It’s something I’d love to do when I’m already living in my tiny house.
Also, I’d get more inspiration from the surrounding nature, the sea just a few meters away, and the clouds that seem only an arm’s length above me.
By then, I know I would really enjoy creating audio content.
I wouldn’t have to produce the audio because I have to.
I’d do it because I’d be naturally prompted and inspired to.
You think you could do that, too?
Is that your style of life?
I’m asking because you don’t need to be like me.
You don’t have to step back from some of your pursuits now just because I made this decision to halt some of mine.
You see, my friend, I think I know a few people who could pull it off.
But pulling it off all at once just isn’t my style.
At least not anymore.
I’m a bit lazier now.
I actually want to live a little and breathe a little more.
So, I’m creating enough space for me to do nothing.
Yes, nothing, on certain days, on specific times.
You think you need that breathing space, too?
Then consider claiming it for yourself.
List down everything you’ve ever dreamed of pursuing.
Go through them one by one.
See which ones are the easiest.
Check each entry.
Identify which would help you get to your short-term goal the fastest.
Or maybe not literally the fastest.
The slow and easy route may work out even better for you.
The slow and easy path may also be what’s mentally faster to you, i.e., in your perception.
In that case, you’d be able to preserve most of your energy.
You won’t feel as tired.
Seeking abundance?
This is exactly what I’m saying in this newsletter’s tagline.
The road to abundance may also itself be a happy and prosperous path.
You don’t need to reach a new social and economic status first before you could say you’re already living a fulfilling life.
Live it now.
Step back on most so you could focus on a few.
If your attention is spread all over, it’s going to suck the mental energy out of you.
It’s all going to drag you down.
If you step back even just a bit, it may be your best bet to moving forward.
And if you’re a lot like me, I’m telling you:
It’s going to be a lot refreshing.