Stepping Back ...
I had a somewhat challenging week, as many weeks of late have been. I could lament over it here publicly like many others do, and cry and whine, and do a woe is me routine, but as usual, I won't... and don't... because the truth of the matter is that, when the rubber meets the road, no one really cares or gives a rat's ass anyway and they head in the opposite direction rather than listen to another drivel on about things they have no desire to care about. Therefore, I will simply smile and say everything is fine. Life is wonderful. It is really when you think about it. It is just our perception of our lives that prevents us from keeping things in context, especially when others are suffering through much worse than what we, many times, perceive to be the end of the world as we know it. Just sayin'...
However, I will say that the indifference of others towards us, should be a catalyst, a lesson, to not be that way, and to take a sincere interest in the humanity and welfare of others, as hard as it may be sometimes. I am an empathetic person, and I have to say that those needing some compassion do flow toward me very often. I try my best to listen, and offer whatever advice I can but generally, most are simply looking for someone to listen, to care about them. At the same time, though, the flow of others, and their lamentations, towards us takes its toll and we need to step back for our own good and breathe in our own space for a bit to recharge.
Last night, actually, was a case in point. I went to Subway to grab a sandwich, and there was a woman there with whom I am acquainted. She proceeded to go on about her current life and a health issue with her partner. Given the week I had, I was like, "Shit, I don't want to deal with this." But I did in the most sincere fashion I could muster. I gave her a hug, and it ultimately seemed to calm her a bit.
When I got back in the car I felt somewhat ashamed over my impatience but I also recognized my current need to be within myself for some rejuvenating energy. That is the important thing ... to recognize it. Many often do not and bury themselves in other people's negative at the expense of their own mental health and well-being. Do not ever feel bad about stepping back at times. It is a necessary course of action for empaths. It has to happen.