Stephen Schawartzman on Trump: Impeachement is to slow: it's time for the 22nd Amendment.

Steve Schwarzman: Here's what people get wrong about Donald Trump


Duckass Donny's tweets reflect his unconscious, that is, his authentic personality.

We've had 995 days to connect a whole lot of dots between the record of his administration, the Mueller Report and his tweets and, here we are in the Ukraine. The people Liddle Donny is dealing with by proxy with Guilliani are Putin's existential threat in Russia. The weapons we are giving to the Ukraine kill Red Army soldiers who work for the Kremlin. Putin has nothing to do with the Ukraine independence movement, but the people who helped stage the Miss Universe Pageant with Donny Duckass financed it to create a zone for Free Market Fascism to flourish.

Trump did not collude with the Kremlin to do anything because he is an unfaithful business partner. The Kremlin continues to do business the way the Soviets did, and they could not afford to get in bed with someone like Trump. Stalin tried it once with Hitler and that took a nasty turn. Dealing with Trump is a similar transaction with a criminal business model. It is mostly white collar crime, but it's mobbed up about two degrees of separation with Degennova and Juilliani, which Rudy's trip to Vienna illuminates.

What Moscow Mitch needs to understand is that the confluence of Duckass Donny's twittervers with his televised behaviors is Captain Queeg on the bridge of the Caine during a hurricane. Only, there is no hurricane. For the RNC, Impeacment is no longer the issue: Article 184 is. White House Resistance needs to seriously and expeditiously consider the 22nd Amendment as the defining contingency. It has been evident since his inaugural adress, but it takes time to accumulate the quantify the evidence sufficiently to take it to court.

Which has always defined Speaker Pelosi's strategy. David Hume's law of evidence is the basis of Marx's Dialectical Materialism and Aristotle's empericism is the basis of Hume's theory of perception undergirding his law of evidence. It's like the Fair Witness in "Stranger in a Strange Land": if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.

And, now, we have the Ukraine. Part 2 of the Mueller Report is all about the Ukraine. Part 2 is the metaphysically facial evidence for conviction. "Ukraine" is a code word for "Criminal Collusion" as a characteristic of "Free Market Fascism". Putin has nothing to do with it.

Putin's calculus in Syria assumes the Kurds to represent regional ballast in any two state solution the defeat of Netanyahu makes possible. This evaluation flies in the face of the Clinton Russian narrative, which defines the popular wisdom and derives from the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam. Currently, America is the outlaw nation but it is easy to fix. Destroying the Conservative movement at the polls is a necessary step. The 22nd Amendment is only a partial, temporary fix, because of Mike Pence. It is better to let the voters replace them but, just because there isn't a typhoon, globally, at the moment, doesn't change the fact we are on the bridge of the USS Caine and Donny Duckass is reprising Humphrey Bogart's role with the specific purpose of creating a typhoon to change the subject from the Ukraine. At what point will he cross the line between the 22nd Amendment and treason?

Ask the Kurds.

Schwarzman is tainted by his association with the corruption represented by the Mercers and Steve Bannon's coordination of a transnational criminal organization commited to doing, globally, what they have in the Ukraine. Giving up the Kurds is part of the deal Duckass Donny made with Erdogan to do business in Ankara with his Trump Towers. It's the moral equivalent of Cheney's "Blood for Oil" calculus for invading Iraq.


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