Stephen over all and everyone else
Editions La Dondaine – Amazon Kindle Store
When passionate ardent zealous readers have spent fifty years with Stephen King and his books, his videos, his films, his comic strips, either they become berserk or they become truth diggers, fear miners, horror finders-keepers, like the three chaps in the tub, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker, all of them with truth, fear and horror as the three maids, all rub-a-dub-dubbing with energy and intensity one another and each other and even themselves with rags, brushes and other hairy cilices.
Stephen King makes them obsessive-compulsive like most traumatized people surviving with PTSS. But their enjoyment is greater than anything you may imagine, and their pleasure can be cut up and minced with the butcher’s cleaver, and then wrapped up in the dough of a meatloaf before being pushed into the oven of the baker, and it all ends up with a candle-stick burning from both ends and being rub-a-dub-dubbed by the feverish shivering shuddering hands of the addicted mortified reader.
You will find in this maze of reviews and studies references to practically half the books and titles by Stephen King and half a dozen titles of books by his sons and a few other people, including a musical, and of course numerous films, series (mini or not) and videos. You have to enter the forest of these more than one hundred trees by assessing the table of contents and then letting you glide, slip and slide into the rich deep brewing witches’ midnight banquet with the devil on a sacred Black Sabbath celebrating the immolation of Isaac by Isaac’s father, the kicking away to the desert of Ismail and his mother by Ismail’s father, the two fathers being the same man in some sacred books revered by more than half humanity.
Accept your fate and enjoy it. Feel the knife of the executioner ripping your chest open and then his hand dipping into it and uprooting your heart out of your body. Feel your blood seeping out and curdling on the ground. You deserve that cathartic experience to simply survive your humdrum routine-like everyday life. This catharsis might liberate your imagination from all death wish and death instinct, but it may also neutralize all your desire to forgive, pardon and tolerate all your libidinal charitable and generous altruistic desires to be good.
Let’s hope after that experience you will be able to step out of Stephen King’s universe and live up to the demands from society and regain some humane love for others. Be sure you will encounter in these books, videos, and films many monsters who will brutalize you in all possible ways, but be sure too it is your deeper desire to be brutalized by these monsters over and over again in the middle of the night. Stephen King is your most enjoyable everlasting nightmares
File Size: 1370 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Editions La Dondaine; 1 edition (June 9, 2018)
Publication Date: June 9, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
US$ 5.00, GB£ 3.80, € 4.25, €0.00 Kindle Unlimited
? Jacques Coulardeau 2018
All rights reserved in all countries
Editions La Dondaine
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