Step into your power
Jacqueline V. Twillie
Learning and Development | Best-Selling Author | Leadership & Negotiation | Proud Auntie!
Step Into Your Power
Are you going big in your leadership journey? Are you taking risks? Are you being fearless? It can be so hard to take risks and to be fearless because we usually don't want to make mistakes and we don't want to look bad.
For women leaders in male-dominated industries, you have so much to prove already and on top of that, you just don't want to let yourself down. A lot of you have very high standards for yourself. But what was the last time you've taken a risk at work and done something new for the very first time?
As we kick off this episode recap, I'm going to share with you 8 things to help inspire you to step into your power and play big as a leader.
Valuable Quote
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
8 Tips to Inspire You To Step Into Your Power and to Play Big
[05:55] Get Failure Time On Your Annual Calendar
[06:25] Sometimes failure is both expected and accepted
[07:25] Put in your calendar annually as leaders, time away for you to think about your greatest endeavors.
[07:20] Get Up.
You have to get up when you fall down, when you miss a mark when you miss a milestone when you don't hit your quarterly goals. It's not the end, you can keep going.
[07:55] Take baby steps. Right after a failure don't cancel everything that you have planned. Do one thing that's going to help put you in the right direction.
[08:10] Take Inspired Action
You have to be intentional. What inspires you to do your best? What is it that motivates you?
[08:55] When you are constantly taking inspired action as leaders, you inspire those who look up to you and hopefully follow you and those whom you lead, you also inspire them to take action.
[09:12] Be Brave.
It's necessary for your company and your team to remain innovative and competitive and profitable. So don't be afraid to step outside of the box to buck the norm.
[09:55} Try Again
If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. When it comes to stepping into your power and playing big, sometimes you do have to try again and again and again.
[10:30] "Surround Yourself With People Who Will Push You To Be The Highest and Grandest Version of Yourself. "
Favorite quote by Oprah Winfrey.
Iron sharpens iron. So when you're out there leading and you're taking risk, and you're stepping into your power and owning your power, you want to be very protective of your environment.
[11:10] Go Big or Go Home.
Curate an experience for you to take a big leap and step out of your comfort zone.
[12:45] Enjoy The Journey.
As leaders, we want to figure things out, we want things to go our way and we want it to be this or that. It's not always the case.
Part of the journey is doing your part and then knowing when you have to take hands off and let the rest of the chips fall where they may.
Celebrate moments and sit in gratitude to process.
[15:05] Part of enjoying the process as a leader is knowing that sometimes you learn more in a challenging situation. You are forced to think more creatively and think outside of the box.
[15:30] Breaking your own rules and learning how to expand your thought patterns.
Resources and Links Mentioned in This Episode
Book: Break Your Own Rules by Kathryn Heath, Mary Davis Holt, and Sharon Allen
Connect With Jacqueline V. Twillie
Personal Branding Strategist Empowering Entrepreneurs and Leaders to Leverage AI for Brand Visibility and Maximum Impact | Content Strategy | Speaker and Trainer
5 年Fantastic show notes!